Disaster Ready Fund

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Disaster Ready Fund

The Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) is the Australian Government’s flagship initiative for disaster resilience and risk reduction.

The Australian Government is providing up to one billion dollars through the DRF. The funding runs over five years from 1 July 2023.

The funding supports projects. These projects address the physical and social impacts of disasters on our communities. Disasters that can be caused by climate change and other natural hazards.

How are we involved?

  • We administer the DRF. We do this in partnership with state and territory government agencies responsible for emergency management.
  • We consult with stakeholders to develop the guidelines for each DRF round.
  • We establish the application process.
  • We support the assessment of applications by an expert panel.
  • We manage the process to establish funding agreements. These agreements are between states and territories and the Australian Government.
  • We work with state and territory Lead Agencies on project reporting requirements.


1. Increasing the understanding of disaster impacts. Using this understanding to reduce the risk of future disaster impacts.

2. Increasing the resilience, adaptability, and preparedness of:

  • governments,
  • community groups and,
  • affected communities, to reduce impact of natural hazards and avert disasters.

3. Reducing the exposure to risk, harm and/or severity of a future disaster's impacts including:

  • reducing the recovery burden for governments,
  • cohorts at a higher risk,
  • and/or affected communities.

For more details on our objectives, please read our Program Guidelines under key documentation below.

Round One

Round One provided $200 million of Australian Government investment for 187 projects in 2023-24.

Successful projects under Round One of the DRF were announced on 7 June 2023. The list of projects is available below.

Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Co-contribution (from jurisdiction or project delivery partner) Total project cost
Flood Studies and Monitoring Systems Territory-wide This project will support understanding and monitoring of the flood risk in the ACT and provide data to inform planning, emergency management and flood mitigation work. $634,879 $653,000 $1,287,879
Community Engagement, Education and Preparedness Territory-wide This project will deliver community education resources and community engagement that help to improve community preparedness and resilience. $150,000 $150,000 $300,000
Disaster Recovery Mental Health and Wellbeing Resilience and Preparedness Territory-wide This project will support enhancing mental health and wellbeing disaster resilience and preparedness in the ACT. $564,524 $564,524 $1,129,048
Ngunnawal Culture Enhancement and Protection at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, Australian Capital Territory This project will help to protect and preserve cultural sites and in-situ artifacts and objects from the impacts of natural disasters. $280,000 $280,000 $560,000
Developing a disaster-resilient investment framework for ACT Reserve assets Territory-wide This project will set a framework to guide investment in resilient infrastructure to protect against the effects of climate change and disasters. $599,061 $787,000 $1,386,061
Lower Cotter Catchment source water protection Cotter Dam, Australian Capital Territory This project will ensure the future proofing of eroding landscapes and waterways to improve water quality entering the Cotter Dam. $412,061 $466,000 $878,061
Building Climate Resilient Visitor Infrastructure Territory-wide This project supports climate change ready infrastructure within Canberra’s Nature Parks to allow safe passage for recreational users and emergency services personnel. $2,100,000 $2,300,000 $4,400,000
Infrastructure to mitigate urban flooding Duffy and Narrabundah, Australian Capital Territory This project will improve safety for the community from flood risk and contribute to reducing damage to public infrastructure. $247,000 $247,000 $494,000
Resilience Strategies for National Arboretum Canberra & Stromlo Forest Park National Arboretum and Stromlo Forest Park, Australian Capital Territory This project will support current and future land-use, program delivery and recreational offerings in the face of increased natural hazard threats and climate change impacts. $60,000 $60,000 $120,000
Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Rim Trail Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, Australian Capital Territory This project will establish a dual-purpose walking track/fire access trail that supports recreational activities as well as bushfire and environmental management activities. $350,000 $350,000 $700,000
Developing a Mass Care Strategy for the ACT Territory-wide This project will develop a framework to support community needs and functioning during catastrophic disasters. $291,000 $291,000 $582,000
ACT Community Disaster Risk Knowledge Hub Territory-wide This project will provide an online, publicly available knowledge hub, for sharing information with community on hazards and risk, risk reduction, building resilience and disaster preparedness and recovery. $660,000 $660,000 $1,320,000
Community and Country: A First Nations partnership to culturally based risk Territory-wide This project will ensure that the ACT Government is working in partnership with First Nations peoples to reduce risk and enhance culturally led initiatives. $510,000 $510,000 $1,020,000

*Final figures subject to schedule negotiations

Project Title Location Description Cth Awarded Funding Co-contribution (from jurisdiction or project delivery partner) Total Project Cost
Flood Road Warning System – Automated - Moree Plains Council Moree Plains This project will deliver a flood road warning systems to reduce risk for two isolated communities. This includes water level sensor cameras connected to flashing signage and remote monitoring capabilities. $177,141 $196,509 $373,650
Flood Reduction and Risk Mitigation Strategies for Cabonne - Cabonne Council Cabonne This project will deliver risk reduction equipment, a critical evacuation centre and early warning systems for improved disaster response to protect public and private assets. $727,632 $730,000 $1,457,632
Moulamein Water Treatment Plant Ring Levee, Town Levee Upgrade - Murray River Council Murray River This project will enable construction works to future proof Moulamein against damage caused by large flood events. This involves an upgrade of the Moulamein Water Treatment Plant ring levee, upgrade of sections of the levee system and installation of structures to isolate riverine flood water from the town’s storm water. $702,632 $705,000 $1,407,632
Nature Based Solutions: Building Flood Resilience in Lismore Catchment -Richmond Landcare Lismore This project will reduce flood and erosion risk in the Lismore catchment; protecting, restoring and emulating the natural functions of catchments, floodplains and rivers. $2,809,110 $2,865,106 $5,674,216
Land iQ – Disaster Ready Enhancements - NSW Department of Planning & Environment State-wide This project will fund enhancements of Land iQ to support emergency response, recovery efforts and long-term disaster readiness and enable more informed land use decision making. This will assist NSW government agencies make faster, smarter decisions about the use of land. $1,802,632 $1,805,000 $3,607,632
Delivery of Batemans Bay Coastal Protection Works - Eurobodalla Council Eurobodalla This project will design and construct four high priority coastal protection works in the Batemans Bay area. This involves upgrades to essential services, road protection structures, rock walls and levees. $6,002,632 $6,005,000 $12,007,632
Bushfire Kids Connect School Community Disaster Risk Ready Project - Bushfire Kids State-wide This project will address the lack of mental health resources for young people leading up to and following the trauma of a natural disaster. Through the use of 3D technology to build risk reduction skills for young people who’ve been impacted by disaster, as a means to empower them to help their community. $643,832 $650,000 $1,293,832
A safer and more reliable Lower Bielsdown Road - Bellingen Council Bellingen This project will upgrade Lower Bielsdown Road to increase safety, reliability and resilience of the road from future major weather events. The road acts as major form of connection for Tallowwood Ridge area, benefiting local residents, farmers and a growing tourism market. $928,252 $1,165,082 $2,093,334
Ree Place, Bidwill - Drainage Amplification for Flood Mitigation - Blacktown City Council Blacktown This project will enable drainage amplification to mitigate flooding at Ree Place, Bidwill. Works will include providing new pits at Wicklow Street and Cook Place, and pipework from Wicklow Street to improve the capacity of the system. $505,574 $507,942 $1,013,516
Construction of C2 and C6 stormwater retention basins in Orange, NSW - Orange City Council Orange This project will address downstream flooding within the City of Orange through construction of two stormwater retention basins on Blackmans Swamp Creek. $502,632 $505,000 $1,007,632
Fire, Country and People: Aboriginal Community Disaster Ready partnership - Forestry Corporation Multi-LGA: North Coast, Mid North Coast and Far North Coast NSW This project will establish strategic and reciprocal partnerships with Aboriginal communities and organisations to reduce the risk, harm and/or severity of major and catastrophic bushfire events and other natural hazards. It will involve traditional mapping and cultural knowledge, Aboriginal and other stakeholder co-design, Aboriginal employment, contracting and skills development. $1,477,632 $1,480,000 $2,957,632
Understanding and uplifting digital connectivity during natural disasters - NSW Telco Authority State-wide This project will improve digital connectivity for disaster impacted communities through temporary and long-term digital connectivity solutions. This Includes a qualitative research study and the development of ‘Connectivity First Aid Kits’ to address the safety and wellbeing risks posed by loss of telecommunications. $1,837,251 $1,839,619 $3,676,870
Levee design and construction, Storm water upgrades and House Raising - Gunning Flood Mitigation Works - Upper Lachlan Council Upper Lachlan Shire This project will construct various levee and other stormwater infrastructure to improve the resilience of the Gunning community to flood impacts. $1,377,632 $1,380,000 $2,757,632
Disaster Ready Singleton - Singleton Council Singleton This project will develop a Disaster Risk Management Plan and accompanying business case. Will include disaster readiness activities and community education. $672,632 $675,000 $1,347,632
AHO Disaster Ready Risk analysis - Business Case - Aboriginal Housing Office State-wide This project will undertake a detailed analysis on current AHO stock to provide data guiding the future strategic directions of both AHO and the Aboriginal Community Housing Sector. It will inform an Extreme Weather Hazard Risk Analysis covering bushfire, flooding, heatwaves, and storms. $504,269 $506,638 $1,010,907
Borang Creek Culvert upgrade - Eurobodalla Council Eurobodalla This project will reduce the flooding risk along Potato Point Road by replacing the culvert to an 18.5m long x 11.43 wide Inquick dual carriageway bridge. $1,000,132 $1,002,500 $2,002,632
Stage 2 - Denman Drainage Strategy - Muswellbrook Council Muswellbrook This project will enable the construction of new piped stormwater drainage in Denman to build long term sustainability and resilience within the town against future natural disasters. An open swale channel will augment the stormwater system to the outlet in Sandy Creek. $1,179,632 $1,417,582 $2,597,214
Hazard Watch and Hazard Publisher - Department of Customer Services State-wide This project will create a ‘core and common’ application for NSW citizens and visitors to access all-hazard warning communications and make it easier for citizens to access current information in an emergency. $3,314,719 $7,962,000 $11,276,719
Northern Rivers Disaster Readiness Program Lismore; Richmond Valley; Byron; Ballina; Tweed; Clarence Valley; Kyogle This project will enhance disaster planning, preparations, and response capabilities in the Northern Rivers through a suite of research and development projects. This includes a research partnership to create an evidence base on community-led adaptation, housing and urban design and place-based plans for regional centres. $5,594,022 $5,596,390 $11,190,412

*Final figures subject to schedule negotiations

Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Co-contribution (from jurisdiction or project delivery partner) Total project cost
Enhanced Tri-service Communications in Regional & Remote Regions of the NT Territory-wide This project will implement APX Next Generation radios across all regional and remote Police and Fire Stations in the NT to enhance communication capabilities. Territory-wide enhanced communications across the tri-service in emergency management responses. $809,000 $809,000 $1,618,000
NT-wide flood data management and storage system Territory-wide This project will support accessibility and useability of relevant and timely flood data to support critical decision-making. It will provide a technical solution to enable the consistent and reliable sharing of flood data to end-users, and improve an understanding of flood risk across the Northern Territory. $360,000 $360,000 $720,000
National Highway Network – Flood Resilience Assessment Territory-wide This project will assess the current flood resilience of the Northern Territory National Highways under a range of flooding scenarios. It will provide consolidated data and evidence that will inform future upgrades to increase flood resilience of the NT National Highways and better disaster response planning. $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000
Structural Monitoring of Darwin Buildings Under Earthquake Loading City of Darwin The project will install instruments in a number of buildings in the city to monitor their response to large earthquakes in the region, to establish a real-world structural monitoring data set for Australia. $150,000 $150,000 $300,000
NTES Volunteer Community Engagement Course Territory-wide This project will develop a training package so that NT Emergency Service volunteers can attain relevant skills to deliver community engagement programs across the NT, increasing capability to deliver flood, cyclone and storm education in remote communities across the NT. $108,000 $112,750 $220,750
Northern Territory Remote Aerodromes - Resilience Assessment Territory-wide This project will assess the current resilience of 69 NT Government maintained remote aerodromes under a range of major disaster event scenarios. This will provide consolidated data and evidence that will inform future aerodrome upgrades to increase the resilience of 69 remote NT aerodromes and better disaster response planning. $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000

NT Flood Warning Systems communications upgrade project


Territory-wide This project will support the ongoing operation of the flood warning system to ensure monitoring sites have the latest communications technology to communicate with the alerting system. An operational flood warning system ensures that Territorians get adequate warning and information about floods so they can protect their families, livestock and property. $185,000 $190,000 $375,000
Sustainable Disaster Relief Food Solutions in Northern Australia Unincorporated NT; Tiwi Islands; Barkly; Roper Gulf; East Arnhem; West Arnhem; West Daly This project will provide regional and remote infrastructure to coordinate the efficient distribution of food to communities in the event of a natural disaster. It will increase disaster resilience capacity and capability across the NT, with a particular focus on the provision of food relief for vulnerable people living in remote and isolated communities in times of disaster.  $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $2,300,000
Trial Satellite Internet Across Tri-service Communications Network Territory-wide This project will trial satellite internet technology across the tri-service communications network and connectivity with drones to assess disaster sites to obtain critical incident information. This will enhance critical incident information capabilities for emergency management responses. $140,000 $295,000 $435,000

*Final figures subject to schedule negotiations

Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Co-contribution (from jurisdiction or project delivery partner) Total project cost
Design and Construct Round Hill Reservoir 2 Gladstone This project will design and construct a second permanent Round Hill Reservoir (RHR2) to gain resilience in the water network and enable the existing Round Hill Reservoir (RHR) to be upgraded to a more resilient standard. A more robust asset and increased capacity of RHR will meet 2041 resilience storage requirements and reduce the risks of impacts from natural disasters. $4,249,905 $4,372,000 $8,621,905
City of Gold Coast Severe Wind Strata Study and Industry Engagement Gold Coast The project will complete a study of strata stock and deliver an industry engagement strategy to increase the cities understanding of evacuation and refuge options during very rare severe tropical cyclone events that have been indicated to be more likely in the future for the area. $200,000 $275,000 $475,000
Backflow device automation in Brisbane’s CBD Brisbane The Backflow device automation in Brisbane’s CBD project will modify existing assets to enable automation which will minimise the need for staff to access these sites during a flood emergency event, enabling a safer response for service operators and the community. $150,000 $150,000 $300,000
Upgrading existing stormwater outlets to gated outlets Goondiwindi This project will solve leaking at four stormwater outlets which will free up resources to concentrate on other matters during a flooding event. $75,000 $75,000 $150,000
Flood mitigation backflow device - water level sensor Brisbane This project will enable remote readings of flood levels removing the need for officers to be in unsafe weather conditions. The device will also enable increased efficiency while monitoring and maintaining the devices.  $150,000 $150,000 $300,00
Flood Warning Infrastructure Doomadgee West Road – Lagoon and Branch Creek Burke This project will install flood warning infrastructure that links with the existing network and publishes real-time rainfall and water level data online for monitoring and enhanced decision making. As well as improve drainage infrastructure to gain uninterrupted access. $88,562 $95,394 $183,956
Flood Study Program Brisbane This Program will update flood hazard information, enabling more accurate information to councils. The update will ensure more accurate hazard planning, and communication of risk for community awareness and preparation ahead of future events. $950,000 $950,000 $1,900,000
Shoreline Erosion Management - Cowan Cowan, Mulgumpin (Moreton Island) Brisbane The project will implement an ongoing shoreline erosion monitoring program for vulnerable coastline at Cowan Cowan, Mulgumpin (Moreton Island) and schedule protective maintenance to the beach to protect the areas from further erosion enhancing protection to otherwise threatened properties within nearing townships.  $224,000 $224,000 $448,000
Solar Panels and Battery Storage for Disaster Resilience Mount Isa This project includes installation of solar panels with back up energy supply to ensure critical communications and co-ordination with staff and residents are maintained during an event. $851,435 $851,435 $1,702,870
Private sector-driven managed retreat of at-risk settlements: An SEQ pilot Sunshine Coast; Ipswich; Brisbane; Moreton Bay; Lockyer Valley The project will trial an urban development-led managed retreat system in South East Queensland with local and state government support. In line with the QSDR & NDRRF, this could de-risk and incentivise private investment in at-risk properties, reducing the financial exposure of government & community to unsustainable long term reconstruction, recovery and socio-economic impact $600,000 $687,000 $1,287,000
Detailed Design for the Reconstruction of Duck Creek Road Scenic Rim The project will develop a detailed design package which will enable Council to secure funding to reopen Duck Creek Road and allow an alternative evacuation route and allow for preseason risk management activities like back burning in the future. $76,086 $130,835 $206,921
Building Resilience in the Agricultural South Burnett South Burnett This project will build and enhance the natural disaster resilience of the agricultural South Burnett through strategic support of agribusinesses, by facilitating partnerships, review and support of business operation, all by a collaborative approach to leading by effecting change and building capacity to establish long term stability. $288,500 $291,520 $580,020
New Seawall – Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project Sunshine Coast This project will reconstruct 300 metres of the Mooloolaba foreshore seawall. It will protect the community’s public lands & private assets to meet future climate change impacts of rising sea levels, increased storm surge and coastal inundation. $7,950,000 $8,151,000 $16,101,000
Curry Kids Early Learning Centre – Emergency Generator Cloncurry This project will prevent service disruption through the installation of a back-up generator during emergency events. In turn ensuring key workers are not removed from emergency response and children in the care of the centre can continue to be a refuge of safety for the children. $49,449 $49,450 $98,899
Setting an urban greening target for the Scenic Rim Scenic Rim This project delivers systemic risk reduction and community sustainability through case studies, understanding and raising heatwave risk awareness, policy improvements for land use and development, building preparedness and resilience to heatwaves, developing biodiverse local native species palettes, and create an evidence base for urban greening (including a target) as a nature-based solution. $111,000 $111,100 $222,100
Noosa Shire Council’s Noosa Beach Sea Wall Detailed Design Noosa This project is a detailed design for a sea wall at Noosa Main Beach. $275,000 $275,000 $550,000
Toogoolawah (Dingyarra St) flood mitigation project Somerset This project will deliver drainage improvements that will mitigate flooding to the impacted properties. $1,020,816 $1,024,327 $2,045,143
Chinaman Creek Dam – Monitoring and Early Warning Systems Project Cloncurry This project will improve current monitoring and early warning systems to ensure assets are managed and associated risks are mitigated by Council. Ensuring a best practice response and preparedness activities can be laid out and communicated by council to the community. $150,000 $150,000 $300,000
Building Evacuation and Sheltering Capacity-Assessment of Places of Refuge Cairns This project will ensure minimum evacuation and sheltering requirements are met by filling critical situational awareness gaps through updated assessments of places of refuge within the area. $40,000 $40,000 $80,000
The Burdekin Delta Community Disaster Shelters Burdekin This project will structurally upgrade Bur-Del’s disaster centre to meet Place of Refuge requirements, to construct a new 317m2 Cyclone Shelter, and to establish a Recovery Centre for ongoing disaster relief services following a natural hazard. $1,349,000 $1,349,000 $2,698,000
Regional Disaster Ready State-wide This project will provide the tools, training, and support for community service organisations to improve their resilience. The project will also produce data that provides insight into key patterns, gaps, and opportunities to build regional and sector-wide resilience. $531,924 $537,339 $1,069,263
Reprofiling of Castorina Island, Lower Herbert River Hinchinbrook This project will undertake the modelled Castorina Island reprofiling works to improve the waterway area available in the river channel for moderate and major flood events. The project will reduce the frequency of overbank flood breakouts into Cordelia and Macknade. $255,000 $255,000 $510,000
Generator Installations – Noosaville Depot, Tewantin Administration Building Noosa This project will install back-up generators and repair current generators at three critical locations to the council’s disaster resilience. $98,453 $98,453 $196,906
Cool Urban Forests – Street Tree Planting Project Sunshine Coast This project will effectively double the existing street tree planting program to futureproof our communities against heat-related impacts.  $3,210,000 $3,210,000 $6,420,000
Power supply security at 3 essential services for community resilience Croydon This project will increase power supply security at three essential services enabling enhanced community resilience and a strengthened community response. $94,902 $98,412 $193,314
Bluff Township Flood Mitigation Channel Construction Central Highlands This project will see construction take place on Council land to redirect floodwater away from the Capricorn Highway which will in turn build community resilience and reduce reliance on recovery efforts in the future. $396,490 $400,000 $796,490
Tide Valve and Gate Study Townsville This project will determine the most suitable device and design to replace current infrastructure at the locations determined to be requiring upgrade. The project will ensure efficiency of council spending, and best practice of infrastructure upgrades. $75,000 $75,000 $150,000
South East Queensland Flood Resilience Program Brisbane This program will enhance energy security through increased resilience of high-risk power infrastructure and enhancing Energex’s response capability thereby allowing supply to come back on-line sooner if interrupted. $8,970,000 $8,970,000 $17,940,000
Laidley Disaster Ready Project (Flood) – Phase 1 Lockyer Valley This project will create a multi-year program to complete the updated strategy and implement mitigation programs to improve the resilience of the township, surrounds, catchment, and regional linkages. $2,070,092 $2,070,093 $4,140,185
Detailed Design – Training Wall Levee Mackay This project proposes an alternative levee upgrade which reduces the impact of floods on a community. $555,225 $555,225 $1,110,450
Crockatt Park Seawall Renewal Moreton Bay This project will build a new seawall to provide erosion protection and protect public and private infrastructure behind the seawall and improve safety along the foreshore. $4,500,000 $4,500,000 $9,000,000
Dohles Rocks (Griffin) Coastal Hazards Defence Business Case Development Moreton Bay This project will develop a business case to determine defence options for the Dohles Rocks community from multiple sources of flooding. $150,000 $150,000 $300,000
Flinders Parade Cliffs Protection Moreton Bay This project will protect the natural cliffs at Flinders Parade, Scarborough (Qld 4020), and landward public assets from persistent, slow erosion at the cliff base. $750,000 $750,000 $1,500,000
Bray Park - Leone Street - Drainage Construction Moreton Bay This project is a drainage upgrade project and will introduce additional drainage infrastructure to capture stormwater flows and more effectively discharge these, reducing flooding risks on the otherwise subjected properties. $2,095,000 $2,095,000 $4,190,000
Flood warning infrastructure resilience upgrades Isaac This project will improve upon flood awareness infrastructure deficiencies that were identified by a number of the regions flood strategies. $376,500 $376,500 $753,000
Paroo Emergency Power Paroo This project will install key hazard infrastructure to build emergency power capability at nine key locations within the shire to enable continuous operation of critical services during the instance of a disaster event. $222,625 $222,625 $445,250
Landslide and dam stability risk reduction via multiscale site monitoring State-wide This project with major stakeholders aims to develop a three-tiered risk assessment and mitigation approach for slope failure, and dam stability. $211,490 $318,060 $529,550
Small Business Disaster Hub – Upgrade State-wide This project will support the implementation of the Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience 2022-27 through an upgrade of the Small Business Disaster Hub by developing a proposal for continued maintenance and content creation on the hub as well as identify best way to provide information in languages other than English. $110,000 $110,000 $220,000
Coastal Protection Works-Karragarra Island Redland This project will deliver a seawall along the affected section of foreshore to enable reconstruction and protection of the road and the electrical infrastructure from further damage and provides long term projection from future erosion. This solution will provide the community with continued access to the rest of the Island as well as the ferry terminal and will reduce risk to their power supply. $173,455 $173,455 $346,910
Fitzroy River Barrage Raising Project Business Case Development Rockhampton This project will engage an expert consultant to conduct the necessary technical studies and produce a business case for raising the Fitzroy River Barrage gate height by 500mm to protect against projected sea level rise. $685,000 $685,000 $1,370,000
Household Resilience Program Mornington; Bundaberg; Yarrabah; Hinchinbrook; Lockhart River; Charters Towers; Livingstone; Mareeba; Gladstone; Pormpuraaw; Whitsunday; Napranum; Burdekin; Carpentaria; Cairns; Douglas; Kowanyama; Hope Vale; Mackay; Wujal; Tablelands; Torres; Aurukun; Rockhampton; Weipa; Townsville; Burke; Northern Peninsula Area; Mapoon; Cassowary Coast; Palm Island; Cook; Isaac This program will initiate the next phase of the state household resilience program, enable continued retrofit solutions to support lowered insurance premiums to Queenslanders. $20,000,000 $20,000,000 $40,000,000
Advanced Communications Module on Disaster Dashboard Rockhampton This project will deliver an advanced communication module on the Emergency Dashboard which will allow community to choose to engage with emergency updates and notification. $16,000 $16,000 $32,000
Evacuation Centre Emergency Generator Rockhampton This project will deliver a permanent generator that will ensure emergency power is available for when the evacuation centre is in use during disaster events. $216,400 $216,400 $432,800
State-wide Disaster Ready Imagery State-wide This project will improve the coverage and availability of Disaster Ready Imagery across Queensland. $2,500,000 $2,500,000 $5,000,000
Drainage Investigations Lee Ding Street Catchment Napranum This project will investigate drainage solutions for high-risk areas that can be employed by council in the future. $47,225 $ - $47,225
Northern Peninsula Area Place of Refuge Northern Peninsula Area This project will upgrade the New Mapoon multipurpose facility to meet cyclone standards and accommodate over 500 people with associated infrastructure and facilities ensuring a designated cyclone shelter or place of refuge significantly enhancing community safety during disaster events. $1,381,000 $506,000 $1,887,000
Cherbourg Disaster Early Warning System Cherbourg This project will enable an early warning system in Cherbourg giving the community increased awareness and more time to prepare for future natural disasters.  $289,941 $ - $289,941
Palm Island Cyclone Shelter (multi-purpose – community hall) Palm Island This project will deliver pre-construction works for a multipurpose facility that will meet cyclone standards, ensuring a designated cyclone shelter or place of refuge, significantly enhancing community safety during disaster events. $240,000 $ - $240,000
Pormpuraaw Aerodrome Upgrade Pormpuraaw This project will increase pavement strength and improve airport drainage which in turn will improve the hazard immunity of the airstrip. $14,917,374 $ - $14,917,374
Live Stream Flood Monitoring Cameras Brisbane The project will apply best practice knowledge for flood impact communication, to Brisbane City Council. The project will enhance preparedness and responsiveness to disaster events, increasing public awareness and safety. $200,000 $300,000 $500,000

*Final figures subject to schedule negotiations

Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Co-contribution (from jurisdiction or project delivery partner) Total project cost
Improving Resilience and Data Quality of Flood Monitoring River Murray, Adelaide Metropolitan Area, and Mount Lofty Ranges This project will upgrade water monitoring sites to ensure continuity of information to emergency services and the community during flood events. $366,437 $370,000 $736,437
Bushfire Management Planning and Reporting System (BMPRS) State-wide The redevelopment of the Bushfire Management Planning and Reporting System (BMPRS) will represent an uplift in the state’s capability to reduce risk to the community. $1,801,437 $1,805,000 $3,606,437
Multi-agency Platform Development State-wide This project will deliver a State-wide uplift to information sharing and decision making from the current manual process to a complete software system, allowing real-time multi-agency collaboration; bi-directional information exchange, and efficient tracking of data and resources to ensure faster responses, and better community advice and resilience. $1,077,874 $1,085,000 $2,162,874
Climate Ready Regions SA - Central Coordination State-wide This project is to extend and expand on the Regional Climate Partnerships, including the development of a business case and program outline for a state-wide Climate Ready Regions (SA) Program. $481,724 $486,000 $967,724
Emergency Management State Strategic Risks State-wide This project will identify and assess strategic risks within South Australia’s emergency management environment and recommend improved strategies, structures, and systems for ongoing management of those risks. $242,873.56 $261,577.00 $504,450.56
Bushfire Preparedness -Boandik, Meintangk, Portaruwutji and Southern Tang Limestone Coast Region This project will enable the purchase of equipment for the Burrandies fire crew, to undertake Fire Batement work on Aboriginal managed lands and on other land tenders. $417,874 $425,000 $842,874
All Hazards Emergency Management Mobile Care Centre State-wide This project, delivered by SAVEM Inc, will build and commission a multifunctional bespoke vehicle to deploy state-wide in all phases of emergency management: prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. $751,437 $755,000 $1,506,437
Enhanced Resilient Asset Delivery (ERAD) Program Holdfast Bay; Marion; Onkaparinga; Mitcham This project will develop, demonstrate, and embed multi-asset and multi-hazard risk and options and pathways assessment capabilities, methodologies, tools, and governance that underpin strategic place-based and values-informed resilience investment plans and fundable resilience investment cases. $1,492,724 $1,498,000 $2,990,724
Green Triangle Reducing Aerial Firefighting Risk Preparedness Mount Gambier Regional Airport, Wandilo, District Council of Grant This project will support the replacement of existing 1960’s built aerial water bombing water tanks to supply lifesaving firefighting protection to the region’s communities, and industries of national significance. $204,874 $212,000 $416,874
Improving Levee Bank Management Gawler River Catchment and South Australian River Murray This project will deliver targeted Gawler River levee bank improvements, and a process to agree on priority levee banks and levee bank works for the River Murray. $3,001,437 $3,005,000 $6,006,437
Forecasting Ground Displacements Future Earthquakes Franklin Harbour, Cleve, Whyalla This project will use geospatial data obtained from aerial vehicles satellites and field studies to map tectonically active faults near major infrastructure projects in South Australia. $1,150,874 $1,827,000 $2,977,874
Improved Flood Estimation for Risk Mitigation State-wide This project will support the delivery of improved flood flow estimation and flood design for bridge and flood mitigation design.  $422,874 $610,468 $1,033,341
Upper Brown Hill Creek Capacity Upgrade – Forestville City of Unley This project will double the capacity of a section of Brown Hill Creek in Forestville. This will provide flood protection to almost 4,000 properties and critical services. $3,701,437 $3,705,000 $7,406,437
Smart Stormwater Infrastructure for Natural Hazard Risk Reduction City of Mitcham This project will create a demonstration site for innovative smart stormwater detention and controlled release infrastructure that combines flood risk reduction with cooling and greening outcomes through passive irrigation of reserves within the suburb of Pasadena. $2,111,874 $2,136,000 $4,247,874
Meakin Terrace Stormwater Catchment Flood Mitigation – Gleneagles Reserve City of Charles Sturt This project will aim to reduce the frequency of stormwater flooding, reduce the cost of damage, and improve liveability through the construction of a stormwater detention basin and improve flood mitigation in the sub catchment. $1,051,437 $1,055,000 $2,106,437
Upper Brown Hill Creek Capacity Upgrade – Hawthorn City of Mitcham This project will double the capacity of a section of Brown Hill Creek, upstream of Cross Road to provide flood protection to approx. 4,000 properties and critical services. $2,388,437 $2,392,000 $4,780,437
Flood Defence: Technical & Practical Lessons -River Murray Flood State-wide This project will capture the lessons learned in South Australia, and facilitate input by peer organisations nationally, enabling effective responses nationally to the intensifying incidence and impact of flood events, climate volatility and medium-term climate change. $30,874 $38,000 $68,874

Naturally Brave by Growing with Gratitude (GWG), Bushfire Kids Connect and Makers Empire


South Australia Regional and metropolitan schools


This project will help young people understand disaster risk in their local community context and create a ‘disaster ready action plan’ responsive to their location using 3D technology and the design thinking problem solving methodology. $643,637 $649,000 $1,292,637
Protecting SA’s Food Bowl for the Future Northern Adelaide Plains This project will concentrate on five food production zones spanning four council regions. Field officers will collect data and conduct risk assessments for potential hazards. This data will be integrated into a web-based mapping software, enabling the sharing of location intelligence with emergency agencies and industry bodies. $61,205 $69,000 $130,205
Mobile Disaster Food Relief – The North & West Eyre Peninsula, Yorke Peninsula and Far North. This project will enable the supply of critical emergency food and grocery supplies for communities affected by disaster via an off-road Mobile Food Hub. $296,437 $300,000 $596,437
Flood/Tidal Protection - Globe Derby City of Salisbury This project will support the delivery of drainage works to improve protection to the community at Globe Derby from Dry Creek flood flows combined with high tidal conditions. $317,874 $330,000 $647,874
Encounter Bay Coastal Protection City of Victor Harbor This project will deliver a protection strategy for Franklin Parade (esplanade) from Fell Street to the Boat Ramp. This will detail the engineered protection measures required to protect against sea level rise and storm surges for public assets and amenities. $172,874 $380,000 $552,874

*Final figures subject to schedule negotiations

Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Co-contribution (from jurisdiction or project delivery partner) Total project cost
Northern Region Climate Change Action Program Eight Northern Tasmanian LGAs This project seeks to increase will support 8 northern councils to address climate change by building a greater understanding of climate exposure and vulnerability to improve adaptive capacity.







Energy Security for the South Arm Community Evacuation Centre Clarence, South Arm This project will support the delivery of a more stable electricity supply to the South Arm Peninsula through solar power and battery storage and an NBN fixed disaster satellite service to decrease vulnerability in a high bushfire risk area. $35,582 $37,500 $73,082
Integrated Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Hobart This project seeks to increase the City of Hobart’s capacity and capability to understand it’s communities’ exposure to climate risk and support the development of responses to mitigate exposure and build disaster resilience and adaptation pathways. $751,233 $752,000 $1,503,233
Supporting people at increased risk to prepare for flood for flood storms & bushfires State-wide This project will provide targeted advice and assistance to people with disabilities and their service providers to assist them to prepare for bushfires, floods and storms. $1,532,164 $1,963,000 $3,495,164
TasALERT App State-wide This project will enhance the TasALERT platform with an Application to send push notifications to users across all Hazards.


Risk Information Portal – Tasmania (RIPT) State-wide This project will deliver a Portal and linked tools and data to support consistent risk assessments based on core community lifelines and essential functions. $2,887,329 $2,895,000 $5,782,329
City of Hobart: Willow Removal Project Hobart This project will support the investigation and removal of Crack Willow infestation through the City of Hobart’s waterways. It will deliver reduced risk through remediation and revegetation of effected waterways. $550,000 $550,000 $1,100,000
Preparing for the future and learning from the past State-wide This project will implement an evidence-based, health focussed, online short course to help communities, including at risk cohorts such as those from CALD backgrounds, prepare for bushfires. $597,760 $930,691 $1,528,451
Enhancing landslide risk mitigation in Tasmania’s urban zones Sorrell; West Tamar; Break O’Day This project will combine skills and techniques used nationally and internationally with expertise at Mineral Resources Tasmania and UTAS to evaluate and optimise engineering techniques for landslide prone areas in the state. $701,499 $756,546 $1,458,045
A Natural Hazards Atlas for Tasmania: mapping natural hazards. State-wide This project will support the delivery of an easy access online Natural Hazards Atlas which will contribute significantly to ensuring information required for adaptation and resilience planning is broadly accessible. $2,247,890 $2,251,641 $4,499,531
Interoperable Flood & Swift Water Response Project State-wide This project will support the delivery of a Level 1 water and flood awareness training package to equip around 3000 TasPol, TFES, SES and associated volunteers with best practise flood water rescue training and skills. $160,000 $213,397 $373,397
Building Resilience to Flood in the Derwent Valley Derwent Valley This project will increase the resilience of the Derwent Valley in key catchments and address risk of flash flooding by implementing works on infrastructure to minimise the potential impact of flood events  $879,500 $882,436 $1,761,936
Emergency Response Trailer Meander Valley This project will deliver an emergency response trailer equipped with various response and recovery related resources will improve the council’s ability to react in a timely manner to emergency events. $16,500 $16,500 $33,000
Flood Intelligence & Early Warning Detection System Launceston This project will develop an early warning detection system to provide live data and visual intelligence. This will address gaps identified during recent floods and is expected to allow more time for critical operational decisions. $200,500 $200,500 $401,000
Sheepwash Creek Flood Mitigation Northern Midlands This project will improve capacity for the catchment with culverts and bridges, which will greatly reduce the flood footprint in the area and remove most of the properties from the projected flood area. $1,863,514 $1,868,500 $3,732,014
Resource for Emergency Assistance Panel (REAP) State-wide This project aims to identify what civil construction and specialist services may be required to support response and recovery activities in large scale disasters. Information will be used to establish a panel of service providers that can be drawn on by state and local government agencies to expedite service provision, whilst ensuring value for money and compliance with government procurement processes. $120,616 $121,000 $241,616
Tasmanian Climate Change Risk Assessment Supplementary Materials State-wide This project will complement and enhance the baseline Tasmanian Climate Change Risk Assessment by producing supplementary materials and communication products tailored for specific stakeholders.  $100,616 $251,000 $351,616
Tasmanian All Hazards Notification System (TAHNS) State-wide This project will support the development of a single, all-hazards notification system, which will support Tasmanian Emergency Service Organisations and industry partners through automation of notifications of impending hazards or existing incidents. $95,329 $106,000 $201,329
Flood intelligence predictive modelling capability State-wide This project will integrate flood intelligence predictive modelling into the SES’ strategic flood modelling environment, operations and warning systems. $950,616 $951,000 $1,901,616

*Final figures subject to schedule negotiations

Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Co-contribution (from jurisdiction or project delivery partner) Total project cost
Centre of Excellence - Young People and Disasters Victoria This project will create a Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Young People and Disasters. The CoE will become a leading hub for evidence-based, innovative, and cutting-edge approaches to involve young people as active agents in disaster management, preparedness, response and recovery, and community resilience building. $2,197,332 $2,197,544 $4,394,876
Newstead Flood Study and Levee Design Mount Alexander This project will produce a flood study, levee design, and planning scheme amendment submission to update the Newstead Levee which was constructed in 1912 and is exposed to flood risk. $137,500 $137,500 $275,000
Modernising the pollen forecasting network to reduce future disaster risk Victoria (state-wide), Australian Capital Territory, Adelaide (South Australia), and Murrumbidgee Local Health District (New South Wales). This project will deliver an improved and expanded pollen counting and forecasting system to reduce disaster risk associated with pollen storms and broader health impacts in key at-risk Australian states and territories. It will include installation of automated pollen counting machines and research to improve epidemic thunderstorm asthma risk forecasting. $2,423,147 $2,423,147 $4,846,294
Numurkah Flood Mitigation Project - Stage 2 Southern Levee Design Moira This project will complete the design and contract documentation for the Southern Levees (Stage 2) of The Numurkah Flood Mitigation Project, including hydraulic modelling, native vegetation and cultural heritage assessments. $112,500 $112,500 $225,000
Latrobe City Urban Flood Study/Drainage Strategy Latrobe This project will undertake a flood study of three major towns and develop a drainage strategy to identify and prioritise areas of concern with appropriate mitigation options. The drainage strategy is proposed to be adopted by Council and form the basis of future investment into infrastructure to improve flood protection for residences.







Campaspe Shire Flood Review & Mitigation Project Campaspe This project will review and develop a Risk Management Plan to increase community resilience in Campaspe Shire, after Murray, Campaspe and Goulburn Rivers flooding.
The project will deliver a review, detailed investigation, functional design, cost estimates and approvals which will construct the first stage of flood protection recommendations. It will also acquire critical infrastructure to protect essential services and town access points in the event of a flood.







Stawell Flood Investigation: Planning Controls Documentation Northern Grampians This project will reduce the exposure to risk, harm and severity of flooding events by including the preparation of planning scheme amendments and a Floodplain Development Plan. The study area of the Stawell Flood Investigation will be extended by approximately 12 square kilometres.







Shepparton Mooroopna Flood Intelligence Mapping Greater Shepparton This project will update flood intelligence and mapping for the Shepparton, Mooroopna and Kialla areas including renewal of out-of-date floor level surveys. This renewed survey will inform both the Municipal Flood Emergency Plan, the Goulburn Broken Community Flood Intelligence Portal and FloodZoom with up-to-date reliable data that will underpin community resilience.







Remote Bushfire Detection State-wide This project seeks to provide rapid identification of bushfire ignitions using satellite and terrestrial camera technology integrated with machine learning. Early detection allows a quicker response to ignitions, reduces the impacts of bushfire on people, property, and the environment, increases first responder safety and reduces the cost of suppression.







Increasing understanding of risk and resilience across East Gippsland LGA East Gippsland This project will produce a web-based tool to share geographic data with community and council, to improve community knowledge of risk and enable better decision making about investment and emergency management. It will also deliver community engagement and education, and ensure community assembly areas are safer, with reliable independent power and communication facilities.







Mid-Goulburn Valley Flood Study Murrindindi This project will undertake a review and make recommendations for flood models, data usage, emergency plan risks and consequences, infrastructure resilience and mitigation opportunities.  







Greater Geelong Connected Network Analysis – Flood Mitigation Greater Geelong The project will deliver catchment modelling and a preliminary investigation to address recent major flash flooding incidents. The study will focus on highest risk areas and will support drainage upgrades or water management solutions. This project will include community consultation and deliver up-to-date information for building and planning controls and emergency management modelling.







Strathbogie Shire Floods, Flash Flooding and Storm Surges Strategy Strathbogie This project will support mapping and digital hydraulic modelling of waterways and drainage infrastructure to inform urban planning and reduce flood risks to the community. It will also contribute to a prioritised set of infrastructure works, future business cases and evidence-based modelling to optimise response during emergencies.







Corryong Advanced Microgrid (CAM) Towong This project seeks to build the energy resilience of Corryong, which was recently disconnected from the electricity grid for over a month due to bushfire. By establishing an Advanced Microgrid that would provide electricity to a large area of the town with the ability to provide electricity for an extended period, allowing essential services and the community to respond to the emergency and in some cases continue business.







Assessing future impacts of heatwaves on the health of Victorians State-wide This project will model future impacts of heatwaves on health and health service demand in Victoria under various greenhouse gas emission, intervention, and adaptive capacity scenarios. This will enhance the Victorian health system and broader sectors’ capability to implement more targeted risk reduction interventions, and to prepare for and respond to health impacts of heatwaves.







Jamieson Police Paddock Community Hub - Business Case and Project Plan Mansfield This project will create a business case and project plan to develop a purpose-built command post, community hub, and recovery centre during and after emergencies. Outside of emergencies, the facility will be a multifunctional community space. The business case and project plan will be the first step towards building the facility 







Traralgon Creek Retarding Basin Feasibility Study Latrobe This project will investigate options for a standalone piece of infrastructure to improve flood protection for Traralgon residents impacted by flooding from the Traralgon Creek.







Flood Asset Infrastructure Upgrade Swan Hill This project will reduce flooding risk in Swan Hill and Robinvale. It will upgrade antiquated drainage infrastructure, pump systems, and other assets with current technology. Fit for purpose infrastructure will reduce the impact of flooding on assets and reduce safety risks to staff who manage the system during flooding events. 







Resilient Regions and capable communities East Gippsland This project will work with vulnerable communities across Gippsland and deliver facilitated workshops on reducing risk exposure and building community resilience. The program is underpinned by research into the role of businesses in disaster preparedness and recovery and will reduce risk exposure, improve recovery and economical resilience.







Schools in Fire Country State-wide This project will provide bushfire education to upper primary school students in bushfire-prone areas to reduce their bushfire risk. This project will co-design a sustainable implementation strategy to enable scalability of the program and provide professional learning opportunities for teachers and emergency management personnel.  







Investigation of flood prone transport routes in North Central Victoria Macedon Ranges; Mount Alexander; Buloke; Campaspe; Gannawarra; Central Goldfields; Swan Hill; Loddon; Greater Bendigo; Mildura This project will investigate key transport routes affected by flooding within the Loddon Mallee region and improve understanding of flood risk to the transportation network. The project will inform prioritisation of future road upgrades and support emergency management planning. This will improve the understanding of flood risk, reduce that risk and impact of flooding on communities and economy.







Port Albert and Robertson’s Beach Seawall Detailed Assessment Wellington This project will engage coastal engineering expertise to undertake an assessment of the Port Albert and Robertson Beach seawalls. The assessment will include a condition report, risk assessment, and will inform a capital and maintenance works program with a schedule of options to sustainably and cost effectively manage these assets on an on-going basis.







Merriwa Park Levee Bank Wangaratta This project will upgrade the existing levee bank at Merriwa Park. The project will deliver a new levee embankment to manage more severe flood events, and an upgrade to a pump station and reconstruction of existing pump station. 







Strengthening resilience in Yarra Ranges and Campaspe communities Yarra Ranges; Campaspe This project will support a network of organisations to build resilience through collaboration in delivering sector workshops, local communities of practice, analysis and mapping, a collaborative action plan, and final project report. This will enable Community Legal Centres and related organisations to strengthen partnerships and provide a coordinated approach to risk reduction.







Mount Alexander Shire Community Information Monitors Mount Alexander This project will install monitors to share accessible emergency information to communities. During and after emergencies, they will share localised warnings, hazards, safety advice and information about relief and recovery. Outside of emergencies, they will promote awareness and share risk and resilience information.







Business case for Emergency Preparedness model for people with disability State-wide This project will support people with disability (PWD) to be involved in developing their emergency preparedness plans at all levels. A business case will be developed for a staged state-wide rollout of Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) model for Victoria’s people with disability community. It will focus on increasing awareness and the benefits of P-CEP in disaster risk reduction to increase P-CEP uptake and foster collaborative emergency management planning approaches.







Hodgson and Burgoigee Creeks Flood channel asset repair and replacement Wangaratta This project aims to halt and reverse active streambed incision processes to protect natural processes, public and private assets. This will be achieved through the repair and/or replacement of priority existing grade control structures damaged by the December 2018 flood event. A program of stock exclusion and revegetation will also be implemented for long-term protection of the system.







Corangamite Flood Study - Stage 2 Data Acquisition Corangamite This study will provide flood mapping for the entire municipality to reduce flood risks. Previous scoping has identified the need for LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. This project will acquire LiDAR data through the Statewide Digital Twin Victoria (DTV) and Coordinated Imagery Program (CIP) to inform flood modelling in the next stages of the flood study. 







Glengarry Flood Mitigation Design and Construction - Stage One Latrobe This project will analyse the options available to Latrobe City Council to deliver and operate flood mitigation assets. This project will design and construct swales (small channels) and levees on Brooks Lane and Traralgon-Maffra Road, Glengarry. Implementation of the first stage for a network of swale drains and levees will provide 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood protection to significantly improve flood protection for a large section of the Glengarry township and residences.







Understanding current flooding inadequacies in road infrastructure Benalla; Greater Shepparton; Wangaratta; Moira; Mitchell; Strathbogie The project will complete a flood risk modelling exercise to understand where road infrastructure within North-East Victoria is most likely to experience flooding impacts during extreme weather, and determine locations where existing road infrastructure may contribute to flooding risk. It will identify areas needing improvements and deliver a business case to address and reduce future impacts.  







Integrated Strategic Bushfire Management in a Changing Climate State-wide This project will study the relative effectiveness of fire management actions (including prescribed burning, suppression, mechanical fuel treatments, fuel breaks) in a changing climate. This will increase understanding of the risk reduction achieved by management actions, and potential impacts. The project will deliver a state-wide framework to deliver the most effective risk reduction activities.







*Final figures subject to schedule negotiations

Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Co-contribution (from jurisdiction or project delivery partner) Total project cost
Protective Fire Suppression and Low-Impact Fuel Load Reduction Busselton; Augusta-Margaret River This project will help to protect important tourism and economic resources in areas prone to high fire risks by installing fire suppression systems and utilizing low-impact cool burning methods inspired by the knowledge of Aboriginal traditional custodians. $331,181 $331,181 $662,362
Firewise Demonstration Landscape Protection Project Mundaring; Swan; Chittering; Denmark; Nannup; Armadale; Augusta-Margaret River; Kalamunda This project will empower individuals and communities to create fire resilient landscapes that will protect properties and potentially save lives. $262,830 $268,224 $531,054
Digital Fire Danger Rating Signage Waroona This project will increase awareness and educate communities about potential fire danger by installing digital fire danger rating signs. $30,000 $30,600 $60,600
Upgrades to Boyup Brook Emergency Evacuation Centre Boyup Brook This project will support an upgrade to the Boyup Brook designated emergency evacuation centre, ensuring the centre is able to meet the needs of the both the local and surrounding communities during emergency events. $813,000 $862,032 $1,675,032
Enhancing Disaster Resilience and Climate Justice in Community Services Edith Cowan University This project focuses on creating and implementing tools and resources to assist the community services sector in Western Australia be more resilient to natural hazards and disasters. $892,362 $907,511 $1,799,873
Virtual Reality Community Preparedness Strategy Busselton; Boyup Brook; Augusta-Margaret River; Donnybrook-Ballingup; Bridgetown-Greenbushes; Manjimup; Nannup This project will develop a virtual reality package that can simulate and highlight the risks and emotional, psychosocial impacts to community members who choose to "Stay and Defend" a property during bushfire. The project aims to significantly improve local resilience and preparedness for bushfires, build capability and strengthen local decision-making before a disaster. $50,000 $53,883 $103,883
Nabawa Recreation Centre Facility Redevelopment Chapman Valley This project will support the redevelopment of the Nabawa Recreation Centre Facility to ensure the community has access to suitable evacuation and welfare centre when faced with a natural disaster. $900,000 $900,000 $1,800,000
Family-Centred Disaster Resilience Gallery Department of Fire and Emergency services This project will establish a family-centred gallery experience that aligns with disaster resilience education principles, offering a reliable source of information about emergencies and disasters. The gallery experience at the Centre will serve as a valuable resource for promoting disaster preparedness and education in an engaging and accessible manner. $500,000 $502,000 $1,002,000
Airport Microgrid Greater Geraldton This project will integrate the Emergency Services Response sub-precinct of the Geraldton Airport Precinct into the renewable energy system microgrid that includes Uninterruptible Power Supply functionality. $2,000,000 $2,221,367 $4,221,367
Fire Behaviour Predictions and Advice State-wide This project will create a standardized set of interagency processes, approved models, tools, and workflows for the development and application of fire spread predictions within Western Australia. The aim is to establish a consistent and coordinated approach across multiple agencies involved in fire management. $52,550 $54,234 $106,784
Stormwater Drainage Design for the Township of Cranbrook Cranbrook This project will develop a Stormwater Drainage Design specifically for the township of Cranbrook that can effectively handle extreme storm runoff events, ensuring the safe and well-defined flow of water. By establishing robust stormwater drainage infrastructure, this can effectively manage both major and minor storm events in the township. $70,000 $70,000 $140,000
Drone Monitoring of At-Risk Coastal Areas Using Aboriginal Drone Operators Rockingham; Dardanup; Mandurah; Harvey; Murray; Bunbury; Busselton; Capel; Waroona This project will capture the intra-annual changes of the coastal terrain at the beach level to establish an effective risk management strategy that encompasses planning, development, and mitigation of extreme events along the coast. It will enable better decision-making and proactive measures to reduce the impact of coastal hazards. $125,690 $168,000 $293,690
Upgrading Fire History Datasets Using Fire Severity Dynamics Kondinin; Albany; Lake Grace; Perth; Boddington; Kwinana; Kojonup; Kellerberrin; Bridgetown-Greenbushes; Capel; Peppermint Grove; Boyup Brook; Kent; Mosman Park; Katanning; Wanneroo; Subiaco; Wandering; Armadale; Bruce Rock; Bayswater; Narembeen; Wickepin; Kulin; Mundaring; Claremont; Cockburn; Swan; Plantagenet; Brookton; Tammin; Manjimup; Goomalling; Donnybrook-Balingup; Belmont; Beverley; Cuballing; Chittering; South Perth; Stirling; Dardanup; Denmark; Mandurah; Nannup; Gosnells; Broomehill-Tambellup; Bassendean; Melville; Merredin; Victoria Park; Serpentine-Jarrahdale; Busselton; Wagin; Wyalkatchem; Murray; Kalamunda; Collie; Canning; Waroona; Gnowangerup; Quairading; Ravensthorpe; West Arthur; Trayning; Harvey; Jerramungup; Vincent; Joondalup; Esperance; Pingelly; Fremantle; Cambridge; Gingin; Corrigin; Toodyay; Rockingham; East Fremantle; Cunderdin; Victoria Plains; Nungarin; Augusta-Margaret River; York; Narrogin; Cottesloe; Dowerin; Woodanilling; Northam; Dundas; Cranbrook; Dumbleyung; Williams The project will upgrade current fuel hazard mapping, data and reporting systems to help inform bushfire response as well as planned mitigation activities. $1,285,000 $1,294,000 $2,579,000
Dumbleyung Emergency Evacuation Sites Power Back-Up Project Dumbleyung

This project will establish fixed power generation back-up sources for two designated Evacuation Centres located within the Shire of Dumbleyung.


$15,000 $15,000 $30,000
Cunderdin Evacuation Centre Upgrades Shire of Cunderin This project will upgrade the Cunderdin Evacuation Centre into a fully functional and standalone emergency evacuation centre with its own power and water supply. This will increase the resilience and preparedness of the Shire of Cunderdin during a natural disaster.  $82,750 $82,750 $165,500
South Caroling Bushfire Brigade Fire Water Supply Quairading This project will enable the installation of a fire water supply south of the town of Quairading at the South Caroling Bushfire Brigade. This will be available for use during any fires south of Quairading. $8,439 $8,439 $16,878
General Practice Emergency Response Team State-wide This project aims to define the role of general practice in the in the State Health Emergency Response Plan (SHERP). This will be achieved through consultation and co-design. $300,000 $300,000 $600,000
Strategic Safer Places – Eastern Torndirrup Peninsula Albany This project aims to identify appropriate sites known as Strategic Safer Places within The Torndirrup Peninsula. The objective is to provide a safe haven where individuals can seek refuge during emergencies when evacuation options have become limited. $65,100 $65,100 $130,200
Evacuation Centre Power Redundancy Project Toodyay This project will provide power redundancy to the Toodyay Recreation Centre to allow it to serve as the Local Government’s primary evacuation centre during disasters. $77,384 $77,384 $154,769
First and Last State-wide This project will develop, test, evaluate and implement tools and processes that aid diverse community members with their personal and collective risks to climate and disaster events. By fostering a collaborative approach, the project aims to enhance community resilience and preparedness across the region. $628,150 $646,050 $1,274,200
City of Joondalup Bushfire Risk Reduction Project Joondalup This project will conduct comprehensive review of the City of Joondalup's Bushfire Risk Management Plan and implement strategies to mitigate the risk of bushfires, safeguarding the well-being and functioning of the local community, environment, and economy. Furthermore, the project will develop and deliver a Bushfire Community Education Program, aimed at raising awareness and educating the community about bushfire safety and preparedness. environment. $216,045 $216,045 $432,090
Non-crown Tenure, Public Land Bush Fire Mitigation Toodyay This project will carry out strategic activities aimed at remediation and preparation non-crown land areas that present a significant bushfire risk to assets and human life in The Shire of Toodyay. $137,769 $137,770 $275,539

*Final figures subject to schedule negotiations

Round Two

Round Two of the DRF provided $200 million of Australian Government investment for 171 projects in 2024-25.  

On 28 August 2024 the Minister for Emergency Management announced Round Two of the DRF would fund 164 projects. Following this announcement, a number of projects faced changing circumstances meaning they were unable to proceed.

On 20 November 2024 the Minister endorsed several other projects, in line with the funding recommendations made by the Assessment Panel. The additional projects ensured the full $200 million in Australian Government funding available under Round Two was utilised.

The list of projects is available below.

Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Jurisdiction co-contribution Total project cost
Strengthening ACT social recovery partnerships and community engagement ACT - Unincorporated ACT This project will strengthen the preparedness, planning, coordination and response capacity of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government and our social recovery community partners. This will ensure ACT social recovery efforts contribute to a stronger more resilient Canberra community and support people throughout their recovery journey from immediate relief to long term recovery to regain a sense of sustained wellbeing and the ability to thrive. $612,245 $612,245 $1,224,490
Supporting ACT Community Sector Organisations in Preparing for the Impacts of Climate Change ACT - Unincorporated ACT This project will build the adaptive capacity of community sector organisations (CSOs) to manage and respond to the increasing risk from natural hazards under a changing climate. It will deliver a fit-for-purpose climate hazard risk management and adaptation ‘toolkit’, developed through a co-design process and trialled with the sector, which will guide CSOs in identifying key risks to their services and support development of effective risk management and adaptation plans. $621,182 $733,805 $1,354,987
‘Climate ready’ natural hazards future proofing through the ACT’s planning system ACT - Unincorporated ACT Many natural hazards are expected to increase in frequency and/or intensity due to climate change. This project will seek to future proof communities by analysing and adapting the ACT’s planning system to make sure that it appropriately manages disaster risk arising from natural hazards. This will include the core elements of strategic planning including land use planning and infrastructure planning. Hazards included will be bushfire, flood, storms and urban heat/heatwave. $120,000 $136,356 $256,356
Increasing vulnerable households' resilience to heatwaves through installation of thermally backed curtains ACT - Unincorporated ACT The project will leverage an existing program to expand the delivery of thermally backed curtains and pelmets (in two living areas) to an additional 500 low-income and vulnerable households in the ACT over two-years. The project will increase the resilience of participating households to heatwaves and extreme heat/cold by improving thermal comfort, reducing energy use and costs, and supporting improved health and wellbeing. $560,000 $599,455 $1,159,455
Territory Wide Risk Reduction Implementation ACT - Unincorporated ACT A Territory-Wide Risk Register (TWRR) allows us to learn from past emergencies and crises, plan for future disruptions, and identify opportunities to enhance community resilience. The proposed project will allow the ACT to implement, monitor, review and enhance the TWRR to provide the foundation for understanding disaster risks, monitoring effectiveness of existing risk management, and identify opportunities to improve risk treatment, reduction, recovery and build whole-of-government capability. $858,178 $859,000 $1,717,178
EmergencyRedi for the ACT’s CALD communities ACT - Unincorporated ACT This project will deliver EmergencyRedi workshops and one-on-one sessions throughout the ACT, focusing on the needs of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Participants will learn practical actions they can take to minimise disaster risk and impacts. They will understand disaster risk in the ACT and develop plans to mitigate that risk. This will lead to more informed decision-making and increased levels of physical and emotional preparedness. $937,414 $937,414 $1,874,828
Improved flood resilience for Canberra Avenue and nearby community assets ACT - Unincorporated ACT This project will reduce climate-related flood risks to an arterial road and a constructed wetland by modelling the effects of climate change on flooding in Jerrabomberra Creek; increasing the flow capacity of the creek threatening the arterial road; placing a serviceable sediment trap within the creek to increase flood resilience, and raising the levee between the creek and a recently constructed water quality wetland to resist flooding. $615,000 $997,542 $1,612,542
Community Education Tools and Benchmarking ACT - Unincorporated ACT This project aims to strengthen community resilience by utilising interactive teaching tools and gaining insights into the disaster preparedness of the ACT community. Through diverse activities like Simtable and Virtual Reality tools, the project seeks to engage residents actively. Additionally, funding will support a consulting initiative to explore deeper into the community's dynamics and their relationship with disaster resilience. $290,000 $290,000 $580,000
Improving the Resilience of ACT’s Urban Forest ACT - Unincorporated ACT This project aims to strengthen Canberra’s urban forest to enhance the ACT’s liveability and resilience to the impacts of climate change related natural hazards. The project will implement a proactive maintenance program to increase public tree resilience to storm events, reduce the risk of tree hazards caused by storms, and extend the life of trees in the urban environment to help combat urban heat. $2,888,279.97 $4,787,785 $7,676,064.97
Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Jurisdiction co-contribution Total project cost
Disaster Resilience Capacity Building for the Hunter and Central Coast NSW - Cessnock, Dungog, Maitland, Mid-Coast, Muswellbrook, Newcastle, Port Stephens, Singleton, Upper Hunter This project will build disaster resilience capacity and capability within 11 Hunter and Central Coast councils and their communities. This will be achieved by supporting development and implementation of local and regional Disaster Adaptation Plans, embedding resilience into councils Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework, facilitating a regional resilience network, and supporting community engagement. $851,271 $887,269 $1,738,540
All-hazards, risk-based approach to land use planning and critical infrastructure asset management for Riverina/Murray region. NSW - Albury, Berrigan, Edward River, Federation, Griffith, Hay, Murray River, Murrumbidge, Narrandera Action plans will be developed from critical infrastructure risk assessments and land use planning maturity assessments for 11 councils in the Riverina Murray region. This will support councils to embed best practice in their asset management, land use planning and strategic planning documents and forthcoming Disaster Adaptation Plans. $345,000 $349,000 $694,000
Creating Safe Shelter Spaces - Holding a Gendered Lens on Emergency Management Simulations. NSW - All GADAus will work with 6 LGA's in New South Wales (NSW) to ensure that the safety of emergency shelters are assessed through a gendered lens, ensuring the safety of women, children, LGBTQIA+ during disasters. The Local Government Areas (LGA) will be chosen from high disaster risk areas and form a pilot to extend to other areas of NSW. $60,289 $60,289 $120,578
Aboriginal Communities Emergency Mangement Program (ACEMP) NSW - Clarence Valley, Cobar, Kempsey, Kyogle, Mid-Coast, Mid-Western, Nambucca Valley, Port Macquarie-Hastings, Port Stephens, Walgett This project expands on a pilot ensuring Discrete Aboriginal Communities (DACs) are prepared to respond to and recover from disasters. Through identifying and strengthening sustainable local emergency management partnership with DACs, ACEMP can inform and influence emergency management through Aboriginal leadership, research and co-design – ensuring Aboriginal knowledge and emergency management frameworks are  appropriately integrated in prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.  $3,687,244 $4,344,358 $8,031,602
Climate hazard assessment, adaptation and resilience in Blacktown NSW - Blacktown This project will assess local climate risks and deliberatively engage with a large, diverse community and local businesses to develop an adaptation and resilience plan and leverage existing partnerships to form a working group, overseeing climate hubs that deliver engagement, workshops, communities of practice, crowd sourced mapping and community capacity building. $538,002 $581,614 $1,119,616
CoastGuard - NSW Coast and Estuary Hazard Risk Data Portal NSW - Ballina, Bayside (NSW), Bega Valley, Bellingen, Byron, Canada Bay, Canterbury-Bankstown, Central Coast (NSW), Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Eurobodalla, Georges River, Hawkesbury, Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Kempsey, Kiama, Ku-ring-gai, Lake Macquarie, Lane Cove, Lismore, Maitland, Mid-Coast, Mosman, Newcastle, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, Parramatta, Port Macquarie-Hastings, Port Stephens, Randwick, Richmond Valley, Shellharbour, Shoalhaven, Strathfield, Sutherland, Sydney, Tweed, Waverley, Wollongong, Woollahra The NSW Coast and Estuary Hazard Risk Data Portal aims to provide a central repository and improve the sharing and accessibility of key coastal and estuary hazard data and information across government (state, local and Commonwealth) and to other stakeholders. $250,000 $250,000 $500,000
Accessibility and compliance infrastructure enhancements to PCYC Gunnedah as a disaster and emergency evacuation centre NSW - Gunnedah Gunnedah Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC), identified Gunnedah PCYC as the preferred venue for establishment as an Emergency Evacuation Centre (EEC). Proposed capital works will address accessibility, compliance and functionality gaps (accessible entry/exit, kitchen/bathrooms refurbishments with a designated ambulant bathroom) and enable the venue to be activated as an EEC. $742,204 $806,804 $1,549,008
Construction of South Albury Levee Upgrade NSW - Albury Albury City is situated on the northern bank of the Murray River, downstream of Hume Dam, and is prone to flooding based on historical records.  This project will upgrade the South Albury Flood Levee to mitigate the risk associated with flood to protect the town from riverine flood events.. $1,694,866 $1,694,866 $3,389,732
Good Fire Gathering NSW - Byron, Clarence Valley, Kyogle, Lismore, Richmond Valley, Tweed Good Fire Gathering focuses on Cultural fire pathways to share knowledge and practices that enhance resilience, adaptive capacity and preparedness, through Caring for Country by communities at risk or impacted by natural hazards. It enables systemic risk reduction through cultural and social connections for cooperative community-led actions and planning. $2,987,690 $3,011,897 $5,999,587
Integrated preparedness: integrated approaches for disaster mitigation, energy and water security, and technology. NSW - Bathurst, Blayney, Cabonne, Forbes, Lachlan, Lithgow, Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Weddin Through tailoring Disaster Adaptation Planning (DAP); integrating insights funded under the NSW governments Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF), Simtables, and technology, this project will deliver enhanced DAP guidance, comprehensive plans and a strengthened and coordinated DRR approach - boosting resilience in Central NSW communities amid escalating natural disasters. $743,130 $743,171 $1,486,301
Reducing flooding in the Parramatta CBD and City of Parramatta Local Government Area NSW - Parramatta Parramatta CBD and surrounding areas are subject to significant flooding risks. The project will investigate proposed options to substantially reduce these flooding risks. $250,000 $250,000 $500,000
Heatwave Hub: A Comprehensive Risk Assessment, Resilience and Preparedness Initiative for Vulnerable Communities across NSW NSW - All The 'Heatwave Hub' initiative addresses heatwave risks in vulnerable NSW communities through comprehensive risk assessments, co-designing plans/toolkits, focus groups, and workshops. Outcomes include the 'Heatwave Hub' website, LGA heatwave action plans, and community capacity building. The project will promote informed planning for effective heatwave preparedness and improved wellbeing. $672,974 $694,210 $1,367,184
Aboriginal Peoples Engagement Program NSW - All NSW State Emergency Services (SES) will partner with Aboriginal peoples to co-design a program incorporating cultural safety, how to warn community and understanding how First Nations people prepare for and respond to the impact of floods. This includes understanding the cultural barriers to evacuation and how best to reduce risk for Aboriginal peoples. $1,843,000 $2,213,763 $4,056,763
DBU (Done By Us) NSW - Inner West, Randwick, Sydney DBU is a peer-led and delivered community preparedness program targeting people who live in social and community housing communities. Residents will be recruited, up-skilled and trained to support and implement peer led community preparedness activities and outcomes. The project will target communities across the Inner and Eastern Sydney Region. $268,000 $268,000 $536,000
Psycho-social supports for children, parents/carers and educators to reduce risk of long-term mental health impacts NSW - Berrigan, Cabonne, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Dubbo, Forbes, Glen Innes Severn, Gunnedah, Snowy Monaro, Snowy Valleys, Yass Valley Support for children (3-12) and their parents/carers/educators, living in disaster-impacted areas likely to be impacted by future disasters. Through one-to-one, small group and cohort-wide psycho-social interventions/supports for up to 22 schools/preschools, we will build the adaptive capacity, skills and resilience individuals and groups need to effectively cope with disaster events.. $4,264,307 $2,672,632 $6,936,939
Community Organisations Disaster Adaptation (CODA) project NSW - Bega Valley, Eurobodalla, Hawkesbury, Kyogle, Lismore, Richmond Valley, Snowy Monaro The Community Organisations Disaster Adaptation (CODA) project builds disaster preparedness and resilience among NGOs and people most vulnerable to disaster impacts and strengthens connections and cooperation between the community, local NGOs and Emergency Management to take action to reduce local disaster risks. $2,569,981 $2,577,982 $5,147,963
Improving Floodplain Connections - urban protection NSW - Bourke, Carrathool, Federation, Forbes, Hay, Lachlan, Moree Plains, Murray River, Murrumbidgee, Narrabri, Narrandera, Narromine, Walgett, Warren This program will address flood works in Western NSW targeting flood risk from crop protection works to mitigate flood risk to life and property. Benefiting 40 urban centres and 85,000 people, it focuses on remediating flood works, ensuring compliance, fostering collaboration among government agencies, landholders, stakeholders for effective floodplain management. $2,940,000 $3,872,013 $6,812,013
Canberra Region Joint Organisation (CRJO) Disaster Adaptation Preparedness (DAP) Support Program NSW - Bega Valley, Eurobodalla, Goulburn Mulwaree, Hilltops, Queanbeyan-Palerang, Snowy Monaro, Snowy Valleys, Wagga Wagga, Wingecarribee, Yass Valley Support member councils to increase disaster resilience, adaptation, and preparedness through regional DAP/local DAPs commenced implementation of DRRF outcomes including maturity modelling Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF) integration into Integrated Planning  and Reporting (IP&R) frameworks; capacity building working group and alignment with state strategic frameworks Simtable workshops and training/loans 3-year Disaster Dashboard subscription Advocate investment in resilient infrastructure $899,267 $921,320 $1,820,587
Pilot Project - Strengthening community capacity and resilience through development of community-led flood intelligence networks NSW - Byron, Cabonne, Lismore, Tweed Northern Rivers communities (Wilsons River Catchment, Mullumbimby/Main Arm, Uki) and Cabonne Shire/ Eugowra will partner with Australian National University (ANU) to develop, test, and evaluate localised community-led flood intelligence networks. These strengthen community capacity/resilience through reduced vulnerability, enhanced communication and new state-wide resources for informed and timely preparation and response to flooding events. $1,961,483 $2,748,150 $4,709,633
Enhancing the capability of NSW to prepare for and respond to risks from coastal hazards NSW - Bellingen, Blacktown, Burwood, Byron, Canada Bay, Canterbury-Bankstown, Central Coast (NSW), Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Cumberland, Dungog, Eurobodalla, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Inner West, Kempsey, Kiama, Ku-ring-gai, Lake Macquarie, Lane Cove, Lismore, Liverpool, Maitland, Mid-Coast, Mosman, Nambucca Valley, Newcastle, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, Parramatta, Penrith, Port Macquarie-Hastings, Port Stephens, Randwick, Richmond Valley, Ryde, Shellharbour, Shoalhaven, Strathfield, Sutherland, Sydney, The Hills, Tweed, Waverley, Willoughby, Wollongong, Woollahra This project seeks to enhance outcomes for coastal communities in NSW that strategically address risks from climate change and coastal hazards. Additional funding to implement the NSW coastal management framework in partnership with local government, will facilitate investment in action to manage threats and risks to the NSW coastal zone. $6,000,000 $6,000,000 $12,000,000
MacKillop Seasons' Community Resilience Project NSW - Armidale, Ballina, Bega Valley, Byron, Central Coast (NSW), Cessnock, Clarence Valley, Dungog, Eurobodalla, Kiama, Kyogle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Muswellbrook, Richmond Valley, Shoalhaven, Singleton, Tweed The project will benefit identified communities by building capacity in local education and community services sector professionals, to address the needs resulting from natural disaster with location-based support and direct delivery for children, young people and adults. This will be achieved through training, mentoring and co-delivery of evidence informed programs. $1,299,686 $1,299,686 $2,599,372
Building systemic adaptive capacity for Illawarra/Shoalhaven and coordinate alignment of resilience initiatives across regional NSW NSW - Albury, Ballina, Bathurst, Bega Valley, Bellingen, Berrigan, Bland, Blayney, Bourke, Byron, Cabonne, Carrathool, Cessnock, Clarence Valley, Cobar, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Cowra, Dungog, Edward River, Eurobodalla, Federation, Forbes, Goulburn Mulwaree, Greater Hume, Griffith, Hay, Hilltops, Junee, Kempsey, Kiama, Kyogle, Lachlan, Lake Macquarie, Leeton, Lismore, Lithgow, Lockhart, Maitland, Mid-Coast, Murray River, Murrumbidge, Muswellbrook, Newcastle, Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Port Macquarie-Hastings, Port Stephens, Queanbeyan-Palerang, Richmond Valley, Shellharbour, Shoalhaven, Singleton, Snowy Monaro, Snowy Valleys, Temora, Tweed, Upper Hunter, Upper Lachlan, Wagga Wagga, Walgett, Weddin, Wingecarribee, Wollongong, Yass Valley This project will build disaster adaptation capacity of councils, communities and key stakeholders through systemic embedding of hazard mitigation and resilience plans and resources which enhance current frameworks to reduce disaster exposure and vulnerability. A supporting state-wide coordination model will apply learnings and increase resilience maturity across multiple regions. $1,220,000 $1,312,800 $2,532,800
NSW Bush Fire Inquiry Recommendation 17 - Neighbourhood Safer Places NSW - Bega Valley, Bland, Blue Mountains, Bogan, Campbelltown (NSW), Cessnock, Clarence Valley, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Dungog, Eurobodalla, Federation, Glen Innes Severn, Greater Hume, Hawkesbury, Hilltops, Inverell, Kempsey, Kiama, Liverpool Plains, Narrabri, Northern Beaches, Port Stephens, Queanbeyan-Palerang, Shoalhaven, Singleton, Snowy Monaro, Snowy Valleys, Sutherland, Tenterfield, Upper Hunter, Wagga Wagga, Walgett, Wollongong The provision of existing NSW Rural Fire Service Brigade stations (or suitable alternatives) as Neighbourhood Safer Places in remote communities, for community use during bushfire events. This will require establishment of Asset Protection Zones and building works to increase building resilience from a bushfire and enhance community safety. $3,252,000 $3,252,000 $6,504,000
Pilot Project: Wet-Proofing Treatment of Aboriginal Housing Properties in flood prone areas in NSW NSW - Kempsey, Shoalhaven, Wollongong The aim of this project is to reduce flood risk to 6 Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) properties. A risk analysis was conducted to identify the flood prone areas. The risk will be mitigated by waterproofing properties, applying water resistant finishes and raising services above the flood level. This project is a pilot for future works. $346,363 $346,363 $692,726
March Street Bridge Upgrade to alleviate flooding NSW - Orange The March Street culvers are constraints on the East Orange Stormwater Channel. Floodwater frequently surcharges the banks of East Orange Creek at the March Street crossing, inundating neighbouring properties. Upgrading to a bridge at this location will alleviate flooding, reducing risk to property and mitigating harm to residents. $583,000 $713,245 $1,296,245
Digital Flood Warning Signs at Reddenville Break and Stoney Crossing NSW - Warren Installation of digital flood warning signs at the Reddenville Break on Wambianna Road, and at Stoney Crossing on Bundemar Road, Warren NSW.  $38,511 $38,511 $77,022
North Deniliquin Levee Upgrade NSW - Edward River Augmentation and upgrading of the North Deniliquin levee to provide protection up to a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood event with 500mm of freeboard. $729,246 $729,246 $1,458,492
Forbes Shire Flooded Road Smart Warning System  NSW The project consists of the installation of water sensors in flood ways to trigger digital 'Road Closed' sign at the flood way, and a 'Road Closed Ahead' sign at the start of the road. The sensor will also send an SMS alert to council to install physical road closed signs.  $111,495 $111,495 $222,990
Eurobodalla Emergency Evacuation Centres - back up power generation  NSW This project will see the procurement, installation and activation of six back-up power generators at Eurobodalla's emergency evacuation centres and critical sites. ‍ These facilities are owned/operated by Eurobodalla Council. At the request of the NSW Government, these sites become emergency evacuations centres in times of emergencies and natural disasters.  $220,200 $220,200 $440,400
Feasibility Study for Davistown Foreshore Barrier  NSW The proposed project will conduct a feasibility study which will provide a detailed assessment of the Davistown foreshore barrier, its design and existing & residual flood risk to the community. This barrier crest would be set at 1.5 m AHD, offering more protection against ocean flooding from the Brisbane Water.  $87,500 $87,500 $175,000
Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Jurisdiction co-contribution Total project cost
Increasing community resilience, adaptive capacity and preparedness through trauma care workshops for emergency first responders NT - All CareFlight will deliver 10 Trauma Care Workshops across the Northern Territory (NT) annually for 3 years (30 in total), providing advanced trauma care training to up to 630 first responders. This will increase first responders' capability and capacity to enhance the short-term and longer-term outcomes of trauma patients, reduce community vulnerability to the direct and indirect impacts of natural hazards, and provide peer support and professional development, thereby promoting longevity of service. $236,010 $236,016 $472,026
Waste from Disasters: Planning to reduce impact and build capacity NT - MacDonnell, Victoria Daly The Waste from Disasters project will use 3 communities to develop a robust disaster waste management framework for remote communities in the Northern Territory. It will take into account social, cultural and environmental specificities of each community. Developed during non-disaster time, such a plan will aim to reduce impacts of disaster and build capacity to manage disaster waste in remote communities. $365,876 $407,660 $773,536
Nhulunbuy Community Cyclone Shelter NT - East Arnhem The Nhulunbuy Community Cyclone Shelter will deliver a new multi-purpose community cyclone shelter for the Nhulunbuy community providing shelter capacity for up to 1800 people. Regional and remote communities located along the Northern Territory's coastline are vulnerable to cyclones and many lack the capacity to safely shelter a community's local population. Cyclones can have a devastating impact on these communities which may lead to loss of life or serious injury. $14,950,000 $15,217,279 $30,167,279
Managing Fire Risk in the Central Desert Regional Council Region NT - Central Desert The proposed project enhances disaster resilience by acquiring a grader to undertake fire break maintenance for First Nation communities such as Atitjere, Engawala, Ti-Tree, Willowra, Laramba, Nyirripi, Yuelamu and Yuendumu. This is essential equipment for Central Desert Region communities to proactively mitigate impacts of wildfires, safeguarding lives, properties, and natural resources. Outcomes include enhanced fire prevention capabilities, reduced fire risk, and increased safety for residents in the Central Desert region. $535,255 $540,000 $1,075,255
Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Jurisdiction co-contribution Total project cost
Naturally Brave by Growing with Gratitude, Bushfire Kids Connect and Makers Empire QLD - All The project focuses on fostering resilience in young people, preparing them for disasters and stressors. The initiative is ground-breaking, combining 3D-technology, STEM and wellbeing education to empower students to identify and address local disaster risks. Outcomes include resilient, self-aware, and community-minded individuals, equipped to lead disaster preparedness efforts. This proactive approach aims to mitigate risks and build resilience before disasters strike, utilising innovative technology for effective education and preparation. $722,866 $724,555 $1,447,421
Increasing community resilience and preparedness through trauma care workshops for emergency first responders QLD - Aurukun, Banana, Barcaldine, Bulloo, Bundaberg, Burdekin, Carpentaria, Cassowary Coast, Central Highlands (Qld), Charters Towers, Cook, Croydon, Diamantina, Douglas, Etheridge, Fraser Coast, Gladstone, Goondiwindi, Gympie, Hinchinbrook, Ipswich, Isaac, Kowanyama, Livingstone, Longreach, Mackay, Maranoa, Mareeba, Moreton Bay, Mount Isa, Murweh, North Burnett, Palm Island, Pormpuraaw, Redland, Rockhampton, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Southern Downs, Tablelands, Toowoomba, Torres, Torres Strait Island, Townsville, Weipa, Western Downs, Whitsunday, Yarrabah CareFlight will deliver 10 Trauma Care Workshops (TCWs) across Queensland annually for 3 years (30 in total), providing advanced trauma care training to up to 630 first responders. TCWs will increase first responders' capability and capacity to enhance the short-term and longer-term outcomes of trauma patients, reducing community vulnerability to the direct and indirect impacts of natural hazards. They will provide peer support and professional development, promoting longevity of service. $236,010 $236,216 $472,226
Burke Shire Council Disaster Resilience Master Planning Report QLD - Burke This project will engage delivery partner, Northlane Consulting Engineers, to conduct high-level investigations and reviews of the current disaster resilience of infrastructure and locations in Burke Shire to prepare and deliver a disaster resilience master planning report to allow council to make informed decisions regarding their disaster preparations and future infrastructure improvements. This report will present council with concept options for consideration and advise if further investigation is required. $100,000 $0 $100,000
Heatwave mitigation/ mature tree planting in low SEIFA (Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas) greater western Brisbane QLD - Somerset Somerset residents have a high heatwave risk due to high over-65 population, low socioeconomic status, high disability levels, poor health indicators and other factors. The frequency and duration of heatwaves will increase as average summer temperatures increase from 24C to 27+C by 2070. This project will reduce surface temperatures through planting 1,349 mature trees which will reduce long-term heatwave hospitalisation risks by 8% and fatalities by 4% (AEC Group Pty Ltd). $2,085,000 $2,085,000 $4,170,000
Wujal Wujal Microgrid QLD - Douglas, Wujal Wujal The project delivers a solar and battery microgrid that will provide community-wide back-up power when the Ergon network connection is lost during disaster events. The solar and battery generation site will connect using underground cables to power the Wujal Wujal and Degarra communities. Supplying continuous power to the communities during disaster events will ensure provision of essential services, telecommunications, food supplies, emergency housing and neutralise any need for mass evacuations. $11,837,161 $36,359 $11,873,520
Local Floodplain Management Plan Update 2 QLD - Brisbane Undertake an update to Brisbane City Council's Local Floodplain Management Plan to incorporate data from updated flood studies, providing an up to date and consolidated review of existing flood risk management information. $150,000 $150,000 $300,000
Boigu Council, Services and Emergency Evacuation Centre Roof Replacement QLD - Torres Strait Island This project aims to address the existing issues of deteriorated, unsafe, and failing external roofing and internal ceiling at the Boigu Council Office and emergency evacuation centre. The upgrade is essential to prevent further damage caused by water ingress, and it involves replacement and refurbishment with appropriate ceiling and roofing materials. $953,627 $5,000 $958,627
Napranum Multipurpose Place of Refuge Facility - Detailed Design QLD - Napranum This project is to engage a qualified consultant to undertake detailed designs and documentation including cost estimates for Napranum Multipurpose Place of Refuge Facility for extreme hazard events such as bushfires, coastal hazards, cyclones, heatwaves and storms potentially resulting in power loss. $381,600 $0 $381,600
Burke Shire Councils Disaster Ready Intelligence Network QLD - Etheridge The Burke Shire Council Information Network involves the establishment of multi sensors warning system in Burke Shire Local Government Area that provides live micro-climate weather, air quality, remote visibility and remote multi-communication in a single integrated intelligent network. The Network, which features 360° cameras, provides flood warning, local rainfall monitoring, micro-climate weather monitoring, including wind speed/gust/direction, and details of relative humidity, barometric pressure, temperature and air quality. $224,301 $30,980 $255,281
Protecting Critical Power Connection to Redland City's Island Communities - Rocky Point, Russell Island QLD - Redland The electricity network is a critical service to communities located on the Southern Moreton Bay Islands (6,153 population) and North Stradbroke Island (2,102 population) in Redland City. This project will improve the resilience of this network by protecting the single network connection infrastructure with the mainland from shoreline erosion and related hazards by completing the detailed design of a living shoreline at Rocky Point, Russell Island. $37,250 $37,250 $74,500
Dirranbandi Drainage Plans Study QLD - Balonne Development of drainage plans for the township of Dirranbandi to inform council on recommended stormwater infrastructure required to more effectively manage flood events. This will include an options analysis, design drawings, modelling, and capital works plans. $130,000 $40,000 $170,000
Secure power access for five remote islands in the Torres Strait QLD - Torres Strait Island This project will fund the delivery and installation of 5 back-up generators at Poruma, Dauan, Erub, Boigu and Maubiag Islands  to provide emergency back-up for the fuel pumps operated by council in the event of power failure at the stand-alone central power stations on each island. The continued flow of fuel is essential for the continued operation of back-up generators at essential service. $130,000 $6,500 $135,269
Resilient Care: Strengthening communities and primary healthcare systems QLD - Bundaberg, Fraser Coast, Livingstone, Rockhampton The Resilient Care program mitigates costly and detrimental health impacts that stem from disasters. By integrating primary healthcare providers and communities into disaster management efforts the program will improve communities' disaster resilience. Country to Coast Queensland (CCQ) and Australian Business Volunteers (ABV) will deliver the program in 4 local governments across Wide Bay and Central Queensland, conducting health resilience assessments, implement projects that improve health resilience and produce evidence-based guidance to support Primary Health Networks (PHNs) across Queensland. $3,866,388 $4,001,796 $7,868,184
Queensland Tourism Resilience Platform Phase 2 QLD - All Phase 2 of the Queensland Tourism Resilience Platform, available to all 77 Local Government Authorities (LGA) across Queensland. Queensland (and some federal government agencies) has a clear project scope separate to the establishment of Phase 1  to focus on acquiring new data sets, economic and climate analysis to bolster resilience planning, and to enable a more informed response to disaster recovery needs at a local, state and federal level. $754,322 $754,322 $1,508,644
Adaptive Community Engagement and Fuel Condition Monitoring for Community Resilience QLD - Gold Coast This project aims to deploy a tailored comprehensive community education and disaster recovery strategy, covering large residential estates, peri-urban, and rural areas. Workshops will engage residents, fire brigades, and land managers; enhancing their knowledge of bushfire preparedness, fire ecology, and community responsibilities. Additionally, a specialized tool will be created that assesses fuel hazard, vegetation condition and post-disaster damage, fostering resilience against various environmental challenges. $471,375 $811,401 $1,282,776
Strengthening Community Resilience Strategy - Flood Resiliency Plan Phases 1 & 2 QLD - Cairns The project will deliver updated topographical data and flood modelling of key catchments to map changes that occurred to the landscape and riverine systems following the unprecedented rainfall associated with Ex Tropical Cyclone Jasper (TCJ). The models will rebuild the dataset for key catchments and simulate the hydrological processes of catastrophic events caused by combined effects of tides, storm surges, inundating precipitation, and river discharge to inform hazard risk mitigation. $1,089,400 $1,140,900 $2,230,300
Detailed Design of Replacement Evans Street Tide Gate Facility QLD - Townsville The existing Evans Street tide gate facility protects some low-lying tidal areas of Townsville and the facility has reached the end of its useful life and due to its age, there is limited scope to continue refurbishing the facility and now requires replacement. The aim of the project is to facilitate a detailed study and design of a new facility to ensure the community continues to be protected from tidal influences. $150,000 $150,000 $300,000
How are we reducing heat-health risk in Queensland and how will we know QLD - All Heatwaves are a silent killer. In this project, we will understand which Heat Risk Resilience Actions (HRRAs) have been implemented in Queensland Local Government Areas (LGAs) and identify a HRRA model which Queensland LGAs can follow when developing their own HRRA. We will also develop a methodology framework for annual quantification and reporting of heat-health impacts, facilitating Queensland and its LGAs to deliver real-time heat-health risk communications. $412,464 $555,851 $968,315
MacKillop Seasons' Community Resilience Project QLD - All The MacKillop Seasons project will benefit identified communities by building capacity in local education and community services sector professionals, to address the needs resulting from natural disaster with location-based support and direct delivery for children, young people, and adults. This will be achieved through training, mentoring and co-delivery of evidence informed programs.. $492,537 $492,721 $985,258
Far North Queensland (FNQ) Disaster and Domestic Violence Project QLD - Aurukun, Cairns, Cassowary Coast, Cook, Croydon, Douglas, Etheridge, Hinchinbrook, Hope Vale, Kowanyama, Lockhart River, Mapoon, Mareeba, Napranum, Northern Peninsula Area, Pormpuraaw, Tablelands, Weipa, Wujal Wujal, Yarrabah Domestic and family violence (DFV) increases during natural disasters with trauma/ mental health impacts continuing into recovery phases. This project will explore the lived experiences and key issues (nature/extent) of DFV during cyclones, floods and heatwaves in Far North Queensland and Cape York (referred to as FNQ). The project will develop inclusive strategies/actions for disaster risk reduction, capacity building and improving coordination for immediate disaster responses and long-term resilience. $448,356 $448,356 $896,712
Ensuring continuity of disaster management operations on Badu Island QLD - Torres Strait Island This project will fund the delivery and installation of a back-up generator for the Badu Council Administration Centre, which is the primary disaster management centre for Badu Island. There are currently no generators for any of the 3 disaster critical facilities on Badu. These generators will provide the only power backup for disaster operations in the event of a power outage in the central power station. $105,962 $4,500 $110,462
Gold Coast Climate Risk and Adaptation Planning Project QLD - Gold Coast 'Gold Coast Climate Risk and Adaptation Planning Project will undertake an Local Government Area (LGA) wide Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) to increase the understanding of the Gold Coasts current and future climate risks, impacts and vulnerable sectors. It will enable the design of adaptation responses while increasing the adaptive capacity of the community and the city, building the capability of city staff in CRVA and adaptation planning to facilitate monitoring and decision-making. $200,000 $207,610 $407,610
Central West Child Disaster Resilience QLD - Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall Tambo, Longreach, Winton The Central West Child Disaster Resilience Project will train the community sector in central west Queensland in how to prepare children for disaster and support them post disaster. The training will improve the community knowledge on how to best support children through disasters, and will reduce the impact of disaster induced trauma on children. $71,042 $72,332 $143,374
Strategic review of Scenic Rim shelters QLD - Scenic Rim A consultant will be engaged to undertake a strategic review of shelters for disaster response and recovery in the Scenic Rim. The project will deliver recommendations for developing an effective network of shelters across the region. $37,500 $37,500 $75,000
Deception Bay, Captain Cook Parade, Seawall Replacement QLD - Moreton Bay The Deception Bay, Captain Cook Parade Seawall project will replace a section of failed rock/shotcrete seawall. The project is to build a 120 metre long, 6 m wide, stepped concrete seawall that can be raised in the future to address climate change. The works also include reconstruction of one stormwater outlet and 3 new sets of foreshore pedestrian access steps. $2,150,000 $2,150,000 $4,300,000
Millbank Drainage Improvements: Detailed Design QLD - Bundaberg The Millbank Drainage Improvements detailed design will combine grey and blue-green infrastructure to directly reduce flood risk to properties subject to localised overland flooding. The focus area of this flood risk mitigation project will experience a reduction of up to 35% in the number of buildings experiencing above-floor flooding (2% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) event) and up to a 25% reduction in Average Annual Damages, delivering significant benefits to a vulnerable community cohort. $200,000 $200,000 $400,000
Southern Currumbin Creek Training Wall Upgrade QLD - Gold Coast The Currumbin training wall is a 200m long coastal protection structure that was constructed in 1973. The training wall maintains the alignment of the northern section of Currumbin Beach and ensures there is a wide beach for protection of public infrastructure. The proposed upgrade of the structure ensures it continues to provide effective coastal protection against coastal hazards for the next 50 years. Construction works anticipate commencing in February 2025. $897,559 $6,006,745 $6,904,304
Increasing Investment in Infrastructure Resilience (IIIR) QLD - All Increasing Investment in Infrastructure Resilience (IIIR) initiative will develop a guidebook for investors to assess the resilience of infrastructure assets and identify opportunities to reduce direct and external disaster risk and prevent impacts to communities and infrastructure services. Two resilient investment cases will be developed as guidance examples focused on a major port, and a renewable energy asset.  $970,000 $1,716,000 $2,686,000
Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Jurisdiction co-contribution Total project cost
Climate Resilient Infrastructure Best Practice Guidelines, Training and Tools SA - All The Climate Resilient Infrastructure project will deliver a nationally relevant, collaboratively developed, industry best practice guideline, online course and supporting resources that provide asset managers and engineers with the relevant knowledge, training and tools needed to reduce climate change risks to infrastructure including coastal assets. The project will enable the inclusion of climate change into long-term asset and financial management plans to ensure the continued provision of essential community services. $130,000 $144,344 $274,344
Dynamic Bushfire Fuel Mapping for South Australia: Realtime Assessments and Long-term Forecasts Under Future Climates SA - All This project will apply cutting-edge new analytical tools to produce real-time vegetation mapping products (at 30 metre resolution) along with information on their fuel types, fuel load and structural arrangement. This will be achieved by using on-ground vegetation and fuel measurements, environmental predictors and a constantly updated satellite imagery data cube. These tools will also be able to produce vegetation mapping products and associated fuel information under future climate scenarios. $2,250,500 $2,286,151 $4,536,651
Awakening Peramangk cultural practices through Kiri (fire) SA - Adelaide Hills, Alexandrina, Barossa, Mount Barker This project aligns DRF and Second National Action Plan objectives and actions with community aspirations, connecting underrepresented First Nations Peoples with multi-agency approaches to bushfire risk in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia. The project delivers strategic and practical support for Peramangk people to return to managing Country, by unlocking unique and pragmatic approaches to bushfire hazard reduction. Recognition of an inclusive, community-wide approach to bushfire readiness is central to this projects mandate. $2,399,633 $324,187 $2,723,820
Churchill Road Drainage Upgrade (Stage 1B) Project SA - Prospect The project will construct a high-capacity trunk drain that will address deficiencies in the existing drainage system which serves over 80% of the City of Prospect area. It will prevent floodwaters from affecting key transport infrastructure, public and private property and unlock new property development opportunities. The project is the highest priority action identified in the approved Barker Inlet Central Stormwater Management Plan. $3,700,000 $7,450,000 $11,150,000
Regional adaptive planning enabling a climate Resilient East SA - Adelaide, Burnside, Campbelltown (SA), Norwood Payneham and St Peters, Prospect, Tea Tree Gully, Unley, Walkerville Regional adaptive planning enabling a climate Resilient East project will deliver an updated Resilient East Climate Action Plan (RECAP). Informed by almost a decade of learning since our 2016 plan, latest climate data and community knowledge, the renewed RECAP will build on strengths and focus on where our regional partnership of eight Councils and the state government can make the most impact in reducing climate risks together in eastern Adelaide. $90,000 $156,700 $246,700
Reintroduction of Cultural Burning on Eyre Peninsula to Mitigate the Risk of Bushfire SA - Elliston, Lower Eyre Peninsula, Port Lincoln An increase in the severity and intensity of bushfires has seen a growing interest to reintroduce cultural burning into landscape and fire management as a strategy to reduce the risk of bushfires. The project demonstrates cultural burning on Eyre Peninsula South Australia as a strategy to mitigate the risk of bushfires and facilitate the exchange of cross-cultural knowledge between Wirangu and Nauo Native Title groups, emergency services and relevant organisations. $66,919 $104,400 $171,319
Enhancing Youth Resilience: First Aid in Regional and Remote Schools SA - Ceduna, Coober Pedy, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Unincorporated SA The project will deliver the St John Ambulance South Australia First Aid in Schools program into Indigenous schools in regional and remote locations in South Australia. As a pilot project, this will teach first aid skills to primary school students and ascertain the relevance of the program in the disaster resilience context. The project will also develop new resources to ensure culturally appropriate delivery and messaging for Indigenous schools. $67,000 $68,500 $135,500
Mitigating Climate Change Planning and Building Guidelines for a more resilient South Australia SA - All Mitigating the impacts of bushfire and floods for a more resilient South Australia is a guideline intended to assist our communities to be able to understand how hazards impact them, how to mitigate against those impacts and how to build and rebuild post hazard in a sustainable manner. $220,000 $254,500 $474,500
Preparing Kangaroo Island (K1): Implementation Project - Phase 1 SA - Kangaroo Island Preparing KI Implementation Project – Phase 1 implements priority projects arising from Preparing KI Action Plan. It comprises a work program of priority actions to drive risk reduction across KI in a multi hazard and societal systems approach. The Action Plan delivered a prioritisation of risk reduction, mitigation, adaptation and resilience building actions, for Kangaroo Island Council (KIC), funded by the ‘Preparing Australia’s Communities’ program.  $440,000 $446,675 $886,675
People at Risk in Emergencies 2025-2027 SA - All The People at Risk in Emergencies (PaRE) 2025-2027 project involves collaboration between services that manage emergencies, communicate emergency information and provide day-to-day support to people at disproportionate risk of disaster impacts, to improve information sharing, communication, community education and capacity building to support people at risk to prepare. Undertake consultation, including people with lived experience, to develop the next state plan to improve outcomes for people at disproportionate risk. $765,000 $765,000 $1,530,000
Igniting Kaurna Cultural Understanding for All at Field River SA - Adelaide, Campbelltown (SA), Holdfast Bay, Marion, Mount Barker, Onkaparinga, Unincorporated SA Support the Kaurna Firesticks Team to develop their knowledge, capacity and reach with traditional land management practice. Support the delivery of local community engagement to inform on the value of Kaurna traditional knowledge and practice utilising fire in the contemporary urban setting. Support developments with state and local government policy to reflect the operational practice of Traditional Owner land management utilising fire in the contemporary legal environment $4,070,028 $9,199,642 $13,269,670
Recovery Ready: Enhanced Recovery Information Project SA - All This project involves the development of practical resources and connected systems to enhance recovery capability and assist decision-makers in informed decision-making that supports community recovery efforts following natural disasters and emergencies. This will include a multi-jurisdictional, web-based intelligence platform designed to collect, store, analyse and visualise data related to disaster impacts, community needs, resources allocation and recovery progress. $285,601 $288,482 $574,083
Trimmer Parade Stormwater Upgrade - Stage 1 Construction SA - Charles Sturt Trimmer Parade Stormwater Upgrade will deliver increased capacity of drains to mitigate flooding in the suburbs of Findon and Seaton. The desired flood mitigation works will be completed in multiple stages. Stage 1 works will include upgrading the capacity of trunk drains in a 600-metre section of Trimmer Parade between Greenview Drive and Frederick Road, Grange. $2,720,000 $2,760,000 $5,480,000
Understanding and responding to flood risk together: awareness and preparedness across the Gawler River region SA - Adelaide Hills, Adelaide Plains, Barossa, Gawler, Light, Playford A community flood awareness and preparedness campaign program will be developed for the Gawler River region as a viable flood risk mitigation initiative. Designed to build flood resilient communities by raising awareness of flood risks, this program will collaborate with local Councils, SASES and the community to develop tools to increase awareness of flood hazards and share recommendations for individuals, households, businesses, and industry to increase readiness for flood events. $258,005 $258,836 $516,841
Creating a Social Capital and Social Infrastructure Measurement Framework to benefit every Australian *National ACT - Unincorporated ACT;NSW - All;NT - All;QLD - All;SA - All;TAS - All;VIC - All;WA - All The Creating a Social Capital and Social Infrastructure Measurement Framework to benefit every Australian project will expand on the snapshot project currently being delivered in South Australia. It will include input from all Australian states and territories to create a national definition and measurement criteria about people connections and places where people connect; and pilot Professor Daniel Aldrich’s social capital and social infrastructure heat mapping data sets in South Australia $967,249 $980,262 $1,947,511
High priority designs for watercourse upgrades along Upper Brown Hill Creek SA - Adelaide, Burnside, Mitcham, Unley, West Torrens The Brown Hill Keswick Creek Catchment Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) highlights the devastating impact that a major flood event will have on metropolitan Adelaide. The SMP outlines flood mitigation works that will protect the community, 4000 properties, businesses and critical infrastructure from the effects of flooding. This project will develop detailed designs for Upper Brown Hill Creek so that the watercourse upgrades are shovel ready. $424,204 $454,204 $878,408
A whole-of-catchment flood model for the Brown Hill Keswick Creek catchment SA - Adelaide, Burnside, Mitcham, Unley, West Torrens Comprehensive flood modelling will occur for the entire Brown Hill Keswick Creek (BHKC) catchment including flood risks from the watercourse and stormwater drainage systems. The whole-of-catchment flood model will be compiled using existing data sourced from the BHKC Stormwater Board and affiliated councils and will provide a holistic understanding of flood risk. This project delivers on all objectives/investment principles of the DRF and NEMA Second National Action Plan activities. $150,000 $178,000 $328,000
Repair and Adapt Sea Wall to Rising Sea levels, Preventing Erosion and Enhance Public Safety SA - Onkaparinga This project will repair a 380-metre section of sea wall, located on the northern side of Witton Bluff, adjacent to the Esplanade south of Beach Road, Christies Beach. Construction works will involve repairing the ageing seawall and upgrading the structure to withstand current sea level rise coastal impacts. Without protection at the base of the cliffs, wave erosion threatens the structural integrity of the cliffs. $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $2,400,000
Improving Council’s Preparedness and Communications during emergency events  SA This project will improve Council preparedness for storm/flooding events through the supply of rapid response flood saxs and a dual sandbag filler and Council’s fleet safety through vehicle signal boosters to improve communications during all emergency events. Adding to this will be the provision of a backup generator to provide a dedicated incident control room for Council’s support operations of the emergency services and our community during disaster events.  $38,500 $47,866 $86,366
Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Jurisdiction co-contribution Total project cost
Remote Area Early Fire Detection Camera Network TAS - Central Highlands (Tas.), Derwent Valley, Huon Valley, Meander Valley, West Coast This project enables the production of an additional five mobile fire detection cameras (known as RECCE). Remote Engineered Camera Communications Evolution (RECCE) assist in rapid identification of ignitions, resulting in quicker response times, which ultimately reduces impacts of bushfire on natural and cultural values, and built assets, within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA). RECCEs are also a key tool in reducing WHS risk to staff deployments. $339,700 $363,013 $702,713
Clyde River Flood Resilience Project TAS - Central Highlands (Tas.) The Clyde River is a major waterway in the Central Highlands of Tasmania that is subject to periodic flood events which have had significant impacts on regional communities. This project will implement practical, tested solutions over a 3 year timeframe to remove 20 kilometres of willows at key locations, upgrade infrastructure, mitigate erosion and undertake strategic revegetation to reduce future flood risk on the Clyde River and improve community preparedness. $1,976,100 $2,105,989 $4,082,089
Derwent Valley Community Resilience and Preparedness Project TAS - Derwent Valley The project builds the capacity and resilience of rural communities in the Derwent Valley to be prepared, to be able to effectively respond during emergencies and to remain safe. A key goal is to improve the ability of people living with disability, older people and isolated/vulnerable community members to remain safe through the provision of personal emergency plans and to improve evacuation response capacity for Derwent Valley and neighbouring councils. $25,023 $29,448 $54,471
EmergencyRedi Workshops TAS - All EmergencyRedi workshops support people to understand local risks, prepare for emergencies, and build individual and household plans (RediPlans). This project will deliver ~300 EmergencyRedi workshops across Tasmania. Workshops are adaptable to local contexts and tailored to suit different audiences. Outcomes include greater understanding of impacts of disasters, enhanced knowledge, connection, security, and wellbeing. Workshops foster informed decision-making, information sharing, increased preparedness, increased sense of agency and efficacy. $564,747 $564,747 $1,129,494
Increasing the accessibility of emergency preparedness information for the Tasmanian community TAS - All This project will produce accessible basic bushfire safety information in plain English and community languages. Tasmania Fire Service has a huge amount of scientific, technical and practical bushfire information. These resources will be categorised and redeveloped based on their purpose and audience, to make them accessible to the people who use them. Plain English resources about bushfire safety and flood safety will be translated into community languages. $140,440 $143,598 $284,038
Identifying, understanding, and addressing Tasmanias active landslides and other ground-movement hazards TAS - All This project identifies and communicates the locations, extents, behaviour, likelihood, and drivers of landslides and other ground movements (sinkholes, settlement, uplift) that can threaten lives and infrastructure across Tasmania’s urban and rural landscapes. Its outputs will create and improve public-facing maps, overlays, and publications that enable better site-management, land-use, infrastructure-routing, and governance decisions. These outcomes will together enhance geohazard risk reduction for individuals, communities, utilities, and local and state governments. $620,600 $633,000 $1,253,600
Tasmanian Bushfire Exposure project TAS - All The Tasmanian Bushfire Exposure project will deliver the authoritative bushfire exposure model for Tasmania. Leveraging new technology, including spark fire simulator and high-resolution vegetation, terrain and weather data, this capability will provide accurate spatial-temporal assessment of bushfire exposure state-wide. Outputting daily, monthly, and annual products tailored to end-user requirements, the system will inform land use planning, mitigation programs, prevention strategies, community education and preparedness, and strategic and operational emergency planning. $401,000 $401,000 $802,000
RAW Conversations: Building communities disaster response capacity TAS - All RAW Conversations is designed by Rural Alive and Well to facilitate resilience-building by meeting people where they are at. This program is uniquely delivered by engaging people in their workplaces, reducing out-of-hours overwhelm. Three specialist-facilitated sessions will equip participants to navigate challenging times and enhance wellbeing. These kitchen-table-style sessions will build skills to respond to fight or flight situations, increase social resilience and empower individuals with disaster response capacity. $100,000 $133,291 $233,291
A decision support tool to prioritise resilience planning for assets at risk from coastal hazards TAS - Kingborough This project will produce a spatial decision support tool to identify and prioritise assets at risk from coastal hazards including roads, stormwater infrastructure and public buildings. It will allow local government to evaluate asset value (including financial, social value etc.) against the exposure to coastal hazard impacts to identify those community assets most at risk. It will facilitate proactive long-term financial planning and adaptive management for coastal assets. $25,000 $37,800 $62,800
Mental Health and Wellbeing Training for Staff involved in Emergency Response and Recovery TAS - All This Department of Health (DoH) project will design and deliver Mental Health and Wellbeing training both for Tasmanian state servants and local government staff interacting with impacted community members following an emergency. This includes staff from DoH, Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) (Resilience and Recovery Tasmania) and other agencies (e.g. staff that may attend evacuation centres, be involved in recovery operations or staff call centres). It would also be offered to local government staff. $334,000 $334,182 $668,182
Implementation of SES Tasmania Storm Warning System TAS - All This project will implement a 3 tiered Storm Warning System, aligning with the nationally consistent Australian Warning System (AWS). Provision of emergency warnings and related information is integral to state emergency management arrangements. Warnings assist the community to make informed choices to safeguard life, property, and the environment. Warnings must provide information on likely storm impacts and include call-to-action advice designed to inform and assist communities to make safe and prepared decisions. $53,000 $125,050 $178,050
Power for Water TAS - All Resilient power for Tasmania's vulnerable water infrastructure. Bushfires, storms and floods regularly disrupt the power supply to water treatment plants and pump stations. This project aims to eliminate the domino effect of power disruptions also becoming water disruptions. Upgrades to switchboards will allow infrastructure to operate from generators, including Biofuel generators, battery storage, and green generation; solar, wind and micro-hydro. $2,210,000 $2,210,000 $4,420,000
Building Retrofit Guide for Bushfire TAS - All This project will develop a Building Retrofit guide for bushfire for the Tasmanian community which will provide practical advice to those who wish to upgrade their existing homes to be better protected from bushfires. The intent of the Tasmanian guide is to improve the performance of homes when subjected to bushfire attack. $75,000 $75,000 $150,000
Language Identification and Communication Project (LICP) - formerly LIPS TAS - All The project has developed an app (tablet installed) which enables disparate language speakers to communicate with each other in real time. The second-stage development of the app will provide: capability to identify 30 languages; Emergency Services app operator with the means of communicating via a pre-installed communication module unique to a specific disaster; and a module(s) to be developed for use in evacuation centres. $253,937 $337,220 $591,157
Support Council to purchase a portable Chipstar Negri R640 chipper/shredder for bushfire mitigation TAS - Glamorgan-Spring Bay This project will help mitigate the risk of bushfire in an extremely bushfire-prone area on the east coast of Lutruwita/Tasmania by reducing the fuel load on public and private land. An industrial scale chipper/shredder will be purchased by council to provide an alternative to burning green waste. Areas targeted for strategic clearing include roadside verges and the defendable zone around dwellings and alongside driveways. $125,000 $125,000 $250,000
Jacques Creek flood and Erosion Mitigation at Redlands Drive TAS - Glenorchy Situated between Jacques Creek rural catchment and the urban underground network, this initiative addresses flood-related blockages causing harm downstream. By managing sediment and debris flow during floods, it enhances resilience, safeguarding both rural and urban areas.  $215,000 $238,000 $453,000
Hub for Ecosystem Resilience and Restoration (HERR) – Future Seeds Program  TAS TAS TAFE's Hub for Ecosystem Resilience and Recovery (HERR) will coordinate fragmented community and industry efforts in developing and delivering training pertinent to ecosystem resilience and restoration. The Future Seeds Program at HERR will focus on collecting 1,000,000 seeds of landscape revegetation species by 2027, enabling rapid ecological responses to disasters. By 2027, HERR will understand the risks posed by climate change on pollination climate mismatches, producing preventative analytic digital tools.  $117,609  $118,710 $236,319 
Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Jurisdiction co-contribution Total project cost
Financing Flood Resilient Infrastructure Project VIC - Bass Coast, Bayside (Vic.), Cardinia, Casey, Frankston, Greater Dandenong, Kingston (Vic.), Mornington Peninsula, Port Phillip The Financing Flood Resilient Infrastructure (FFRI) project will work with 9 councils in flood-affected regions to address current risks from flood-related events and build risk-mitigation strategies and resilience. By updating and expanding risk assessments, building investment cases and developing implementation strategies to address priority risks, this project will improve capability and capacity of these councils to identify and implement strategies to address flood-related risk and reduce impacts on communities. $4,139,587 $4,149,275 $8,288,862
Greater Bendigo Waterway Flood Mitigation Management Plans VIC - Greater Bendigo The Greater Bendigo Waterway Flood Mitigation Management Plans project will develop management plans for 5 waterways in Epsom, Huntly, Junortoun and Heathcote. The project will include flood modelling, input from hydrologists and ecologists, and workshops with stakeholders to identify a shared vision and priority actions for land managers and the community. Identified actions will support flood mitigation outcomes while protecting and enhancing ecological and cultural values. $295,000 $352,000 $647,000
Western Treatment Plant Lake Borrie Foreshore Protection VIC - Greater Geelong, Wyndham The Western Treatment Plant Lake Borrie Foreshore Protection project will design and construct ~600m of a combination of rock revetment and rock sill, establishing supported littoral vegetation, to protect the coastal embankments of the Lake Borrie wastewater treatment system from coastal erosion. This will mitigate the risk of coastal hazards to critical infrastructure, the environment and the community. $3,735,000 $3,735,000 $7,470,000
Climate Resilient Education VIC - All The Climate Resilient Education project will assess the cascading and long-term impacts of climate-related disasters and climate change on Victorian education communities, and assess if and how current education helps to build resilience and embeds adaptation. Based on these assessments, the project will co-design strategies with education communities to strengthen disaster and climate resilience and ensure better and more equitable learning and wellbeing outcomes through a changing climate. $1,310,000 $1,447,099 $2,757,099
VICSES in Schools - Flood and Storm Education VIC - All The VICSES in Schools - Flood and Storm Education project will develop age-appropriate session plans and guidance material on flood and storm risk safety for students. The new framework and resources will replace the current scattered and inconsistent approaches when VICSES (Victorian State Emergency Services) volunteers engage with around 12,000 school students annually. $148,494 $150,414 $298,908
Securing fire-fighting water - Axedale CFA VIC - Greater Bendigo The Securing Fire-Fighting Water project will install water tanks and a larger electric pump at Axedale Country Fire Authority (CFA) station to enable secure and more efficient filling of CFA tankers. The new water filling point will increase the stations water security, ability to deliver training, and capacity to effectively respond to and manage fire risk. $5,000 $5,000 $10,000
Improved hydrological modelling and analytical capability to mitigate bushfire-related risks to water security *Multi-jurisdictional ACT - Unincorporated ACT;NSW - All;QLD - All;SA - All;TAS - All;VIC - All;WA - All The Improved Hydrological Modelling and Analytical Capability to Mitigate Bushfire-Related Risks to Water Security project will develop and implement a framework to assess, monitor and predict bushfire impacts on water quality. The project will build catchment models and analytical laboratory capabilities to increase bushfire preparedness and resilience in water supply catchments, by improving the preparedness of water utilities and catchment managers, and supporting the development of cost-effective risk mitigation strategies. $482,473 $1,827,151 $2,309,624
Fuelling the fire behaviour models of the future: Developing a new in-field fuel assessment guide *Multi-jurisdictional NSW - All;QLD - All;SA - All;TAS - All;VIC - All The Fuelling the Fire Behaviour Models of the Future project will develop a new in-field fuel assessment manual that capitalises on proven ground methods and emerging remote sensing technologies. The manual will be used for validating fuel inputs into fire behaviour models and quantifying the effects of fuel treatments. This project may lead to more accurate fire danger ratings and a greater understanding of fuel, fire and climate interactions. $3,018,635 $3,171,968 $6,190,603
Are You Ready Translation Videos VIC - Melton, Wyndham The Are You Ready Translation Videos project will create multiple emergency preparedness and awareness videos, translated to assist in educating those communities that are unable to comprehend the current emergency preparedness information. In addition, the translated videos will include first responders messaging. $68,400 $68,792 $137,192
Creating Safe Shelter Spaces - Holding a Gendered Lens on Emergency Management Exercises. VIC - All The Creating Safe Shelter Spaces project will conduct comprehensive assessments of emergency shelters through a gendered lens in collaboration with Victorian councils. By focusing on the safety and specific needs of vulnerable populations including women, children, and LGBTQIA+ individuals, the project seeks to mitigate the risks of gender-based violence, sexual assault, and other forms of abuse that have been shown to occur within emergency shelters during disasters. $249,964 $250,900 $500,864
Flood to Flourish: empowering communities to adapt to flood risk and strengthen climate change resilience *Multi-Jurisdictional NSW - Tweed;VIC - Latrobe (Vic.), Maribyrnong The Flood to Flourish project will deliver methods and tools for empowering communities to collaborate in flood risk management and resilience building. These methods and tools will enable communities, Traditional Owners, governments, agencies and industry to collaboratively engage and build resilience capabilities and networks, develop a shared understanding of flood risk, explore ideas of risk tolerance, identify priorities, and co-develop risk management and resilience solutions. $1,425,201 $1,637,961 $3,063,162
Koondrook Township Levee - Stage 1 VIC - Gannawarra The Koondrook Township Levee - Stage 1 project is the first in a series of planned stages to construct a levee network to mitigate the risk of riverine flooding in the Koondrook township. This stage will raise the level of Gunbower Parade and install supporting drainage infrastructure to provide protection for a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood event and reduce the need for temporary levees to be built. $851,774 $223,100 $1,074,874
Examining non-burn fuel treatments to enhance bushfire mitigation options in a changing climate VIC - All The Examining Non-Burn Fuel Treatments to Enhance Bushfire Risk Mitigation Options in a Changing Climate project will assess and quantify the effectiveness of different bushfire risk-reduction management activities. Detailed non-burn fuel treatment models and new methods for simulating fire behaviour will be established and incorporated into Victoria’s Bushfire Risk Modelling Framework. Enhanced understanding of a broader range of risk mitigation options will increase capability to mitigate elevated bushfire risk. $604,876 $704,870 $1,309,746
ReadyMaroondah: Empowering Local Organisations for a Resilient Future VIC - Maroondah The ReadyMaroondah: Empowering Organisations for a Resilient Future project will increase the capacity and capability of community organisations that provide services to marginalised and/or at-risk community members, improving community resilience to future climate events or disruptions. Through a social network analysis, self-assessment of organisational strengths, and co-design of program activities, council will have a better understanding of community connections, knowledge, attitudes and emergency preparedness which will enable more targeted interventions. $205,252 $219,464 $424,716
Consequence-Based, Intelligence-Driven Warnings VIC - All The Consequence-Based, Intelligence-Driven Warnings project ensures more timely, tailored and relevant warnings during flood and storm emergencies, providing information to people to take action and stay safe. Flood warning areas will be based on likely consequences with information in warnings tailored to local impacts through predefined and documented intelligence. Storm warnings issued through VicEmergency will be via data feed from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) providing more timely, consistent and relevant information to communities. $2,475,000 $2,522,500 $4,997,500
Updating the Victorian Arterial Road Bushfire/Grassfire Risk Assessment and Maps VIC - All The Victorian Arterial Road Bushfire/Grassfire Risk Assessment and Maps project will update the Department of Transport and Planning’s roadside bushfire/grassfire risk assessment and maps, which were last produced in 2013. The outputs of this project will support predictive modelling, fuel management planning, and mitigation activities. This will underpin an inter-agency approach to mitigating the risk of bushfires starting on, alongside or affecting Victoria’s arterial road network and the surrounding environments. $396,000 $396,000 $792,000
Resilient Asset Management Investment (RAMI) VIC - Darebin, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melbourne, Merri-bek, Moonee Valley, Port Phillip, Stonnington, Yarra The Resilient Asset Management Investment (RAMI) project will build on existing knowledge and risk management initiatives to create a transformative program across inner Melbourne councils. RAMI aims to ensure that investment in resilience is embedded into council processes, so that critical climate and disaster risks become business-as-usual considerations in asset management and funding decisions. Outputs include tool development, system integration, and capability building across finance, asset management and sustainability functions. $1,997,272 $4,318,350 $6,315,622
Cool Communities Moonee Valley VIC - Moonee Valley The Cool Communities Moonee Valley project will build community resilience to extreme heat. This will be achieved through a trauma-informed capacity building project which includes providing guidance on accessing local cool spaces during heat waves, outreach with vulnerable residents, and equipping community leaders with tools and knowledge. $34,007 $34,610 $68,617
Seymour Flood warning system improvements VIC - Mitchell The Seymour Flood Warning System Improvements project will install additional rain gauges on Goulburn River tributaries and upgrade and expand the existing Total Flood Warning system in the Seymour catchment. This will increase warning lead times and flood height prediction data, and provide more comprehensive flood intelligence for agencies and communities to prepare for and respond to flood events. $79,000 $79,000 $158,000
Improving use of the Protocol for Inter-council Emergency Management Resource Sharing in Victoria VIC - All The Improving use of the Protocol for Inter-council Emergency Management Resource Sharing in Victoria project will develop supporting online forms, improve data management systems, update supporting documentation and templates, and develop a model for resource sharing including trained regional champions. Improved use of the Protocol by Councils during emergencies will enhance regional coordination and increase capability and resilience to respond to larger emergencies. $200,000 $200,000 $400,000
Victorian Climate Resilient Councils (VCRC) VIC - All The Victorian Climate Resilient Councils project will implement a coordinated, state-wide program of support through a digital platform, resources and direct assistance for Victorian councils to strengthen their knowledge, skills and capacity to prepare for, manage and reduce climate change risks impacting local government service delivery and operations. $655,740 $984,940 $1,640,680
Preparing Together Loddon Mallee VIC - Buloke, Campaspe, Central Goldfields, Gannawarra, Greater Bendigo, Loddon, Macedon Ranges, Mildura, Mount Alexander, Swan Hill The Preparing Together Loddon Mallee project will provide leadership training, resources, and bring together the skills, knowledge and experience of First Nations people, young people, multicultural and rural communities with climate disaster experts prioritising opportunities for resilience outcomes. This will integrate unique local knowledge and lived experience into disaster risk reduction action across the region and ensure meaningful inclusive partnerships to support community networks and community-led climate resilience projects. $675,000 $681,600 $1,356,600
Creswick Flood Mitigation Works VIC - Hepburn The Creswick Flood Mitigation Works project will deliver a new stormwater retention basin on the inside of the levee banks to protect the township from riverine flooding. The basin and the recently completed construction of a stormwater main and pump infrastructure will reduce risk of flash flooding, mitigate the severity of flood impacts, and enhance resilience against severe storm events. $236,150 $236,157 $472,307
Smythesdale Flood Study VIC - Golden Plains The Smythesdale Flood Study project will determine the potential impacts of flooding in the township of Smythesdale. The Flood Mapping will be used to update the Golden Plains Planning Scheme; to inform risks to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage, properties, roads and infrastructure; inform of potential mitigation measures; assist with emergency management planning and community education to build flood resilience. $140,515 $140,515 $281,030
Transition/retreat policy for property and assets impacted by coastal hazards and sea level rise VIC - Bass Coast, Bayside (Vic.), Cardinia, Casey, Colac Otway, Corangamite, East Gippsland, Frankston, Glenelg, Greater Geelong, Hobsons Bay, Kingston (Vic.), Melbourne, Mornington Peninsula, Moyne, Port Phillip, Queenscliffe, South Gippsland, Surf Coast, Warrnambool, Wellington, Wyndham The Transition/Retreat Policy for Property and Assets Impacted by Coastal Hazards and Sea Level Rise project will deliver policy direction and transition/ retreat adaptation options for Victoria. It will pursue policy options that are equitable, inclusive, fair, straight forward and efficient. Local government will be able to draw on the policy and tools to deliver adaptation plans that call for transition away from in coastal locations impacted by hazards. $1,528,250 $2,404,742 $3,932,992
Permanent power backup for priority NBN fixed wireless sites VIC - Ballarat, Corangamite, East Gippsland, Hepburn, Mansfield, Mount Alexander The Permanent Power Backup for Priority NBN Fixed Wireless Sites project will install permanent power backup at 6 priority sites in Victoria. This will increase community resilience as NBN customers will be able to stay connected to communication services when commercial power becomes unavailable during natural disasters. $543,600 $543,600 $1,087,200
Goornong Flood Study VIC - Greater Bendigo The Goornong Flood Study project will assess, model and map areas at risk of flooding in and around the Goornong township and consider local mitigation options. This will inform the Goornong Structure Plan, a draft document that will guide growth in the Goornong township, and will also inform changes to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme. This will ensure consideration of local flood risk in future decision-making to reduce flood impacts. $125,200 $125,200 $250,400
Protecting Victorias water catchments by securing remote water supplies for aerial firefighting operations VIC - Alpine, Baw Baw, East Gippsland, Mansfield, Murrindindi, Wellington, Yarra Ranges The Protecting Victoria’s Water Catchments by Securing Remote Water Supplies for Aerial Firefighting Operations project will deliver improvements to Victoria’s aerial firefighting operations by establishing 15 heli-dip water points in remote areas. The additional heli-dip water points will reduce the impact of bushfires on Victoria’s water supply catchments as a result of reduced helicopter turn-around times and more efficient firebombing activities. $4,995,000 $5,384,832 $10,379,832
Financial Counselling Disaster-Ready Project: Embedding workforce capabilities to strengthen community resilience VIC - All The Financial Counselling Disaster-Ready Project will enhance the preparedness of the Victorian financial counselling sector to better support communities and reduce the financial impacts of disaster. This will be achieved through 3 concurrent initiatives: sector capacity building; planning and preparation activities; and community resilience building. Among the project activities, this project will deliver an advanced financial counsellor training program, a sector activation plan, and a community awareness program to strengthen resilience. $202,150 $210,250 $412,400
Campaspe Shire Critical Flood Infrastructure for Emergency Response and Resilience VIC - Campaspe The Campaspe Shire Critical Flood Infrastructure for Emergency Response and Resilience project will deliver flood mitigation infrastructure through acquisition of pumps, trailers, and pipework, and construction of shedding to protect the equipment. Deployment of the new flood infrastructure will allow rapid response and isolation of town drainage systems during flood emergencies, mitigate potential flooding impacts, and build community disaster preparedness capability and resilience. $280,000 $280,000 $560,000
Mt Martha Landslip Protection Works VIC - Mornington Peninsula The Mt Martha Landslip Protection Works project will reinstate an access road rendered unsafe and unusable after it collapsed and slid onto The Esplanade main road beneath it. The project will also stabilise the embankment and protect this section of road from future slippage onto the main road. Through construction of engineered retaining walls, future risk to life and property will be significantly mitigated. $2,186,400 $2,186,400 $4,372,800
MacKillop Seasons' Community Resilience Project VIC - Ararat, Ballarat, Brimbank, Buloke, Campaspe, Cardinia, Central Goldfields, Colac Otway, East Gippsland, Gannawarra, Greater Bendigo, Greater Shepparton, Hepburn, Hindmarsh, Loddon, Macedon Ranges, Melton, Mildura, Mitchell, Mount Alexander, Murrindindi, Nillumbik, Northern Grampians, South Gippsland, Swan Hill, West Wimmera, Whittlesea, Wodonga, Yarra, Yarriambiack The MacKillop Seasons' Community Resilience Project will build capacity in local Education and Community Services sector professionals in identified communities, through training, mentoring and co-delivery of evidence informed programs. This will improve resilience among children, parents and carers, professionals, and community members, by increasing their capacity to identify emergency risk factors and impacts, and prepare for and navigate natural disasters. $600,000 $600,000 $1,200,000
Connewarren Lane Flood Resilience Project VIC - Moyne The Connewarren Lane Flood Resilience Project will enhance resilience and mitigate risk of significant flood impacts in and around the Hopkins River floodplain. Infrastructure improvements in the vicinity of the Hopkins River include culvert upgrades, installation of a gabion mattress and plinth, shoulder protection works and waterproof road pavement re-sheet. Previous efforts have focused on repairs; this project will focus on future proofing. $1,550,970 $1,550,970 $3,101,940
Lenne Street, Mooroopna Town, Shepparton City Drainage Improvements VIC - Greater Shepparton The Lenne Street, Mooroopna Town, Shepparton City Drainage Improvements project will deliver structural upgrades to the existing drainage network to mitigate flooding issues. The project includes enhancements to reserve retention capacity, provision of a new pump station, and reconstruction of Howe Street. The upgrades are expected to improve drainage and resolve stormwater flooding, increase traffic access, and protect houses from inundation during heavy rainfall events. $1,680,199 $2,094,308 $3,774,507
Project title Location Description Cth awarded funding Jurisdiction co-contribution Total project cost
Evacuation Centre Emergency Power Redundancy Project WA - Mundaring The Evacuation Centre Emergency Power Redundancy Project will install a generator at Mundaring Arena, the areas primary evacuation centre. Recent bushfire and storm emergencies highlighted vulnerabilities in the arena’s external power grid reliance. The project will mitigate the risks that power loss poses to community wellbeing during a natural disaster. The supply of uninterrupted power will enhance the evacuation centre's resilience, safeguarding evacuees effectively during emergencies. $91,235 $91,235 $182,470
Eastern Community Resilience Centre WA - Derby-West Kimberley The Eastern Community Resilience Centre will provide a critical central location for the provision of services for more than 24 Indigenous communities that get isolated when the road between Derby and Fitzroy Crossing is closed. The Hub will consist of accommodation, storage, caretaker facilities, power and water supply, helipad and will be located within the Bayulu Community on land subleased to the Gamdoowa Gooniyandi Aboriginal Corporation.. $5,373,800 $0 $5,373,800
Bunbury Storm Surge Barrier Rock Protection Structure Repair WA - Bunbury Bunbury Storm Surge Barrier (SSB) Rock Protection Structure Repair project aims to repair the supporting rock protection structures of the SSB. Mitigating the risk of inundation to 2100 residential buildings, 500 commercial businesses located in the eastern section of the city by re-engineering the degraded supporting rock structures. The upgraded design will withstand a 200 yr. inundation event and extend the operational life of the rock structures to 2076 (50yrs). $3,766,720 $4,597,178 $8,363,898
Tjuntjuntjara Fire Rescue and Emergency Disaster Ready Project WA - Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Menzies The Tjuntjuntjara Fire Rescue and Emergency Disaster Ready Project supports community first responders in preventing and attending fire, flood and rescue emergencies by providing essential facilities and appliances to respond to incidents. Without this investment, Tjuntjuntjara is exposed to increasing and catastrophic risk of fire and flood events, as evidenced by major floods in March 2024 and the loss of our Aged Care Centre in a catastrophic fire in 2023. $2,334,000 $325,000 $2,659,000
Bushfire Warning Systems Electronic Fire Danger Rating Signage WA - Busselton Bushfire Warning Systems Electronic Fire Danger Rating Signage will implement 5 signs in strategic locations to increase awareness and improve communication of fire risks in the community. A communication tool that assists in educating and building community preparedness and understanding of bushfire risk that exists within the region on any given day. Fire danger ratings provide information on actions to protect yourself and others from dangerous impacts of bushfire. $66,000 $66,000 $132,000
Southwest Doppler Radar Project: Improving Natural Hazard Preparedness in Western Australias Southwest Region WA - Augusta Margaret River, Bridgetown-Greenbushes The Southwest Doppler Radar project will implement a C-Band Doppler Radar tower and supporting infrastructure in southwest Western Australia. The radar uses the Doppler effect, providing enhanced weather data and produces detailed weather forecasts. This capability provides significant benefit to disaster management through increased hazard detection and risk assessment capacity. It improves the ability of emergency services, primary industries, and regional communities to plan, respond, and allocate resources effectively. $4,290,000 $4,325,000 $8,615,000
Characterisation of Coastal Sediment Cells along the WA South Coast WA - Albany, Augusta Margaret River, Busselton, Denmark, Dundas, Esperance, Jerramungup, Manjimup, Nannup, Ravensthorpe Characterisation of Coastal Sediment Cells along Western Australia (WA) South Coast will identify, map and characterise 2D sediment cells between Cape Naturaliste and the South Australia border. Sediment cell definition helps align coastal disaster mitigation actions with coastal landforms and reduce knock-on effects. The project informs decision-making in preparation for coastal hazards and risks, and assists in understanding sea level rise impacts, and is a key tool for catchment-to-coast management. $249,680 $251,844 $501,524
Increasing Bushfire Readiness and Resilience for Purnululu National Park World Heritage Area WA - Halls Creek Increasing Bushfire Readiness and Resilience for Purnululu National Park World Heritage Area is a project led by the Western Australia Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) to construct additional bore infrastructure at existing water points. This will assist in reducing the impact and risk of, and increasing resilience to, bushfires by building capacity of first responders through sustained access to critical water supplies for aerial and ground suppression activities. $192,155 $221,712 $413,867
Supporting community connectivity in times of disaster WA - Westonia Supporting community connectivity in times of disaster project will protect and support the community during  natural disaster events by installing a backup generator power supply, and NBN satellite-connection devices to our evacuation centre. During an emergency, the ability to communicate can be key to survival, these devices will provide power, internet and phone access even if the Telstra or Optus services have failed.. $35,247 $35,247 $70,494
Smoke Detection Camera System Trial WA - Augusta Margaret River, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Busselton, Donnybrook-Balingup, Manjimup, Nannup Smoke Detection Camera System Trial is a year-long trial to test the effectiveness of artificial intelligence in detecting early smoke generated by bushfires in the south west of Western Australia. The early detection of fires leads to improved response times to combat bushfire in its early stages ultimately resulting in less destruction. A comparison between detection aircraft, lookout towers and cameras will be analysed at the end of the trial. $166,500 $167,072 $333,572
Kununurra Regional Multi-Purpose Emergency Evacuation Centre (Stage 1) WA - Wyndham-East Kimberley The Kununurra Regional Multi-Purpose Emergency Evacuation Centre, Stage 1 project encompasses a cyclone-rated upgrade to the existing Leisure Centre and construction of additional facilities (commercial kitchen, ablution areas, court, multifunctional rooms). The centre will meet cultural requirements for the many First Nations Communities in the region, building community resilience during normal times through training and educational programs and transforming to an evacuation centre and emergency response hub during natural disasters. $14,127,498 $1,569,722 $15,697,220
Building Coastal Resilience in Perth's Communities WA - Cambridge, Fremantle, Joondalup, Stirling, Wanneroo Building Coastal Resilience in Perth’s Communities is a community-driven green infrastructure, education and monitoring project designed to address coastal hazards within the region. Through 3 core program areas (nature-based restoration, citizen science monitoring and education) it will mitigate coastal hazard risks, empower the community through on-ground action, and better prepare Perth’s community for future natural disasters. $793,925 $1,501,577 $2,295,502
The Adaptation Game Canning WA - Canning The Adaptation Game (TAG) Canning project is a community engagement, education and capacity building tool to assist the community to prepare for and respond to potential climate disaster events. TAG Canning is a facilitated table-top game simulating the impacts of climate change events in the local Canning area, used to raise awareness about what climate change looks like to help people identify actions to adapt and become more climate resilient. $30,500 $30,500 $61,000
Safe Lives WA - Derby-West Kimberley Safe Lives project will install a Solar-Lithium Microgrid System made up of 6kW Solar, 10kVA A/C Inverter and 21kWh of Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries (the Microgrid Project) to power eleven remote Muway Communities across a 150km radius around Fitzroy Crossing. The Microgrid Project will mitigate communication, evacuation and preparedness risks associated with relying on diesel generators during natural hazard emergencies. $800,000 $150,000 $950,000
WA Tsunami Inundation Modelling ProjectPhase 4 WA - Ashburton, Carnarvon, Chapman Valley, Exmouth, Northampton, Shark Bay The WA Tsunami Inundation Modelling Project (WATIMP) Phase 4 will deliver the first evidence-informed earthquake-generated tsunami evacuation maps in northwest Western Australia from Onslow to Kalbarri. The project will also deliver products to inform land use planning in the same area. This will ensure that communities at risk of tsunamis are better prepared. WATIMP Phase 4 will build on the existing WATIMP Phase 1 to 3 which focused on Geraldton to Busselton. $613,483 $796,815 $1,410,298
Disability Inclusive Emergency Planning (DIEP) Forums WA - Albany, Armadale, Augusta Margaret River, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Busselton, Cockburn, Karratha, Mandurah, Manjimup, Murray, Swan The Disability Inclusive Emergency Planning (DIEP) forums project will deliver 11 forums state-wide. Hosted in partnership with local governments (LG) and facilitated by the University of Sydney (UniSyd), the forums will bring together local emergency services, services providers and community members living with disability to co-design solutions to local emergency issues. Reports provided by UniSyd will be used by LGs to prioritise Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) initiatives locally. $314,196 $372,808 $687,004
Network vulnerability assessment for WA state roads WA - All Network vulnerability assessment for WA state roads aims to develop a dynamic data driven vulnerability assessment tool, to provide strategic analysis to inform targeted, cost-effective resilience building across the Western Australia state road networks. Vulnerability assessment outcomes will purposely highlight communities that have existing or growing vulnerability to network closures and disruptions and are at risk of isolation and being cut off from support services as a result of natural hazard events. $300,000 $789,581 $1,089,581
Coastal Resilience Enhancement Project WA - Fremantle The Coastal Enhancement Resilience project aims to improve drainage at Fremantle Sailing Club and Johannah Street by installing tidal valves, pumps, and water treatment systems. This will help prevent flooding during storms, enhance water quality, and boost community safety and infrastructure resilience against climate change effects. $659,100 $1,700,800 $2,359,900
Gilbert Street Flood Pumps Upgrade WA - Port Hedland The Gilbert Street Flood Pumps Upgrade project will reduce storm water flood hazard risk by replacing three flood pumps within the Port Hedland commercial and industrial area. The project will strengthen the Towns capacity to manage storm water hazard impacts in West End Area of Port Hedland. $500,000 $500,000 $1,000,000
Community Safety Australian Fire Danger Rating (AFDR) Signs WA - Kalamunda Community Safety AFDR Signs project will address the need to upgrade signs to electronic digital messaging boards to modernise and increase community resilience and preparedness by having access to all emergency information immediately without delays. Residents of Kalamunda need access to this information as soon as practical as more than 90% of Kalamunda has been identified by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) as a bushfire-prone area. $65,000 $67,620 $132,620
Installation of automated sprinkler systems at two hospitals in the Rockingham Peel Region WA - Murray, Rockingham Installation of automated sprinkler systems at two hospitals in the Rockingham Peel Region, Rockingham General Hospital and Murray District Hospital, would offer a critical early intervention and mitigation option that is currently unavailable and provide better protect the critical health infrastructure in the event of a bushfire. The water suppressant treatment would minimise the risk of ember attack on the healthcare facilities while the Department of Fire and Emergency Services are en-route. $65,000 $66,000 $131,000
Stubbs Park Evacuation Centre Redevelopment WA - Dumbleyung The Stubbs Park Evacuation Centre Redevelopment is a construction project that will redevelop an existing community facility to deliver a modern, fully functional, accessible, and fit-for-purpose evacuation centre. The redeveloped facility will be capable of safely accommodating displaced residents from across the Shire of Dumbleyung who are impacted by emergency events. The project will strengthen the Shires capability to prepare for and provide emergency relief and support during an incident. $1,100,000 $1,110,000 $2,210,000
Fire Danger Rating Signs - Digital WA - Harvey Fire Danger Rating Signs - Digital project will increase awareness and educate communities about potential fire danger by installing 5 digital fire danger rating signs throughout the Shire of Harvey. It is proposed that these signs will be in key locations along main roads and entering high bushfire risk areas. These digital signs will provide Real-time Updates, Visibility and Attention, Customisation, Remote Management, and Integration with other systems (Emergency Western Australia). $75,000 $75,000 $150,000
Shire of Waroona Evacuation Centre Back Up Power Supply WA - Waroona Shire of Waroona Evacuation Centre Back Up Power Supply project entails upgrading the switchboard at the Waroona Recreation and Aquatic Centre (WRAC) to enable a generator to power the facility when the electricity network has been impacted by a disaster. The WRAC is the Shire's primary evacuation centre. Enabling a backup power supply will enhance preparedness and resilience by preventing disruption for evacuees and management in times of crisis. $37,769 $37,769 $75,538
Broome Recreation Aquatic Centre (BRAC) Importance Level 4 (IL4) Upgrades WA - Broome Broome Recreation Aquatic Centre (BRAC) Importance Level 4 (IL4) Upgrades project is to undertake structural improvements to the Broome Recreation Aquatic Centre (BRAC) to ensure that the building meets current day requirements for a building that is specified as importance level 4 (IL4) and utilised as the Shire of Broome Emergency Evacuation Centre. $115,443 $204,557 $320,000
Pingelly Evacuation Centre Redundancy Power Project WA - Brookton, Corrigin, Cuballing, Narrogin, Pingelly, Wandering, Wickepin Pingelly Evacuation Centre Redundancy Power Project includes the purchase and installation of a 100kVA generator and associated switchboard connections to the Pingelly Recreation and Cultural Centre (PRACC). Which has been identified as the regions evacuation centre for Pingelly, and the wider region of Wandering, Wickepin, Corrigin, Brookton, Cuballing, Popanyinning, Narrogin, and other locations as required. $23,791 $23,791 $47,582
City of Joondalup Coastal Hazard Management Program  WA The City of Joondalup Coastal Hazard Management Program is a multi-faceted approach to mitigate coastal hazards impacts. Sand nourishment will provide a buffer to coastal erosion. The coastal monitoring program will identify current risks while the Coastal Hazard Assessment will determine potential future hazards and inform adaptation options. Improving the understanding of hazards will allow informed coastline management decisions to be made for the community’s continued enjoyment of the coast.  $676,469 $676,469 $1,352,938
Completion of Augusta Volunteer Marine Rescue Headquarters  WA Completion of Augusta Volunteer Marine Rescue headquarters at Augusta Boat Harbour will enhance emergency response times in the event of water-based rescues. Response times will be significantly reduced through minimising delays in mobilising rescue personnel and travel times associated with towing and launching rescue vessels. This will reduce the risk of tragedies arising from ineffective water-based rescues and evacuations during catastrophic bushfires, and at sea from storms affecting multiple vessels.  $797,500 $988,375 $1,785,875
Standby Emergency Power Supply – Meckering Evacuation Centre  WA The Standby Emergency Power Supply project aims to install a power system at the ‍ Meckering Evacuation Centre, addressing the critical absence of emergency power during natural disasters like bushfires, storms, earthquakes and floods. Anticipated outcomes include improved community safety, enhanced evacuation center functionality, and increased resilience to power disruptions. The project aligns with disaster risk reduction objectives, contributing to a safer and more prepared Meckering and nearby communities.  $73,282 $73,282 $146,564
Evacuation Centre Emergency Backup Power Supply - Wongan Hills Recreation Complex  WA Evacuation Centre Emergency Backup Power Supply - Wongan Hills Recreation Complex project involves the provision of a fixed, auto-start generator for the local recreation centre which serves as an emergency evacuation centre for the Shire. This will ensure critical services such as shelter, food and water can be offered during the event of a power outage, as there is currently no backup power source for this building.  $22,500 $25,000 $47,500

Round Three

The third round of the DRF is now open and will provide up to $200 million of Australian Government investment in 2025-26. 

The Round Three Guidelines were released on 22 January 2025 and are available for download from the resource section below.

The Guidelines:

  • Emphasise the importance of enduring project benefits for communities
  • Support all projects, with a greater focus on infrastructure (dedicated funding of up to $138 million)
  • Allow more time to deliver successful infrastructure projects (5 years)
  • Set a minimum project value of $500,000 for infrastructure projects
  • Clarify that 'business as usual' activities are not eligible (i.e. standard capital works or essential services that fall under the remit of state or territory government, local government or other Australian Government departments), and
  • Tighten rules related to historical investments to ensure new investment in disaster resilience.

Each year state, territories and applicants' co-contributions toward the DRF almost double the investment toward disaster resilience.

Applications close through Lead Agencies on 16 April 2025.

The applications for DRF Round Three will be assessed by a panel with expertise in disaster risk reduction and resilience. Panel members will come from Australian Government agencies and advisory bodies. The panel will make recommendations to the Minister for Emergency Management as the final decision maker.

For general enquiries about DRF or updates on any of these rounds please email: Disaster.Ready@nema.gov.au. Or contact the Lead Agency in your state or territory to discuss your proposal.

Lead Agencies

Justice and Community Directorate


NSW Reconstruction Authority


Northern Territory Emergency Services


Queensland Reconstruction Authority


South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission


Resilience and Recovery Tasmania, Department of Premier and Cabinet


Emergency Management Victoria


Department of Fire and Emergency Services


Last updated