Know your risk
Visit the Tasmania State Emergency Service website to understand your risk
Your first step to being ready is to find out what, when, and where a disaster might happen, how severe it could potentially be, and if you would be affected.
Make a plan
What you do now can make all the difference. Choose a hazard type to find information that can help you prepare.
Preparing for a bushfire
To survive the next bushfire you need to make a plan. The Tasmania Fire Service has information to help you prepare.
Preparing for a flood
It’s important to be aware for any flood risk where you live, have property and work.
Preparing for a storm
Storms affect all parts of Tasmania. They can happen anywhere and at any time of the year. You can help reduce the effects of a storm on you and your property.
Preparing for a landslide
You can help reduce the effects of landslides by knowing what to do.
Preparing for a heatwave
Heat illness is most likely to occur during a series of hot days, particularly when temperatures remain high overnight. Learn more about the things you can do to protect yourself and others during hot weather.
Preparing for an earthquake
Earthquakes are possible in Tasmania. Ensure you know what to do if an earthquake strikes.
Preparing for a tsunami
Tsunamis can impact the Tasmanian coastline and cause flooding. Ensure you know what to do before a tsunami happens.
National Resilience Action Library
National Resilience Action Library
The National Resilience Action Library is a collection of strategies and resources to help you prepare your home and community against natural hazards