Know your risk
Visit the NSW Government website to understand your risk
Your first step to being ready is to find out what, when, and where a disaster might happen, how severe it could potentially be, and if you would be affected.
Make a plan
What you do now can make all the difference. Choose a hazard type to find information that can help you prepare.
Preparing for bushfire
A well-prepared home is more likely to survive a bush fire. Learn how you can plan and prepare.
Preparing for a flood
If you live, work or visit a flood‐prone area there are 8 tips you can do now to prepare for a flood.
Preparing for a storm
Storms can happen anytime, and you need to be aware and prepared.
Preparing for a heatwave
Preparing early can help protect you and the people you care for from the impacts of heat.
Preparing for a tsunami
Do you know your tsunami evacuation area? Learn how to prepare your home or business for a tsunami.
National Resilience Action Library
National Resilience Action Library
The National Resilience Action Library is a collection of strategies and resources to help you prepare your home and community against natural hazards.