North Queensland Recovery and Resilience Package

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North Queensland Recovery and Resilience Package

The North Queensland Recovery and Resilience Package (NQRRP) helps local communities recover from, and prepare for, future floods. It supports those affected by the 2019 Monsoon Trough and the 2023 monsoon and flooding events.

With $91.8 million in funding, NQRRP focuses on long-term disaster recovery and resilience in far north, north, and northwest Queensland. It includes three main initiatives:

  1. North Queensland Resilience Program – $84.8 million
  2. Restocking and On-farm Infrastructure Grants Program – $5 million
  3. On-farm Resilience Study – $2 million

These initiatives aim to help communities and farmers recover from past flooding and prepare for future severe weather.

Restocking and on-farm infrastructure grants program

Farmers affected by the 2023 floods can apply for grants of up to $150,000. These funds will help restock livestock and rebuild damaged fences and infrastructure. The $5 million program is run by the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority.

Eligible areas include:

  • Boulia
  • Burke
  • Carpentaria
  • Cloncurry
  • Doomadgee
  • Mornington
  • Mount Isa

On-farm resilience study

Flooding in north Queensland, especially during the 2019 and 2023 monsoon seasons, caused heavy livestock losses and damage to farms.

To reduce these impacts, a $2 million study will explore solutions like:

  • building livestock mounds as safe areas during floods
  • raising farm infrastructure above flood levels

The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries will lead this study.

North Queensland resilience program

Funded by the Australian Government and managed by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, this $84.8 million program is funding 77 new resilience initiatives to help reduce disaster risk across road and transport networks, in communities, and throughout the environment.

Funded projects range from major infrastructure upgrades and critical transport hubs to flood mitigation infrastructure, emergency shelters, community generators, and the sealing of roads frequently washed away.

Projects funded as part of this program are available in the resources list at the bottom of this page.

Last updated