Fighting bushfire risk with the Prepare Together Project

Fighting bushfire risk with the Prepare Together Project
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Fighting bushfire risk with the Prepare Together Project

Fighting bushfire risk with the Prepare Together Project
  • Preparedness
  • Erosion
  • Flood

In the lead up to Christmas in 2019, the City of Wanneroo was hit by a major fire. The blaze destroyed 13,000 hectares and caused thousands of homes to be evacuated. With over 80% of the region classified as a bushfire hazard area, risk from fires is a real and ongoing threat for this Western Australian community.

The City of Wanneroo is being supported by the Australian Government to plan, prepare and recover from future bushfires and other major emergencies through the Prepare Together Project.


Understanding and helping vulnerable groups

The project emphasises the requirements of special interest and vulnerable groups. This includes seniors, local vets and wildlife carers, members of the equine community, managers of boarding kennels, multicultural groups and those living with a disability.

In addition to a greater understanding of emergency warnings, a key part of the project is to help members of the community prepare a bushfire plan and emergency kit.

Through a series of communications, workshops and information sessions, the Prepare Together Project will inform residents about the things they can do to prepare for more frequent and intense emergencies, and to help protect their families, pets and properties and reduce the impact of future disasters.

Learn more about how we’re supporting communities to better prepare and recover from future disasters.


The Prepare Together Project

The City of Wanneroo received grant funding from the Australian Government through the Preparing Australian Communities Program – Local stream for this project which aims to reach 5,000 families with key fire mitigation and emergency preparedness information. While bushfire readiness will be the focus, the project ultimately aims to reduce impacts and save lives from the occurrence of any major emergency.

The project will provide residents with information and resources to help them understand risk and how it is changing. They will also learn how to access up-to-date alerts and warnings. The project takes into consideration that effective community education and engagement is critical to ensure residents are adequately informed of the steps they need to take to prepare their properties for bushfire.