All eligible events occurring up to and including 31 October 2018 will be governed by the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) Determination 2017.
Through the NDRRA, the Australian Government provides financial assistance directly to the states to assist them with costs associated with certain disaster relief and recovery assistance measures. The NDRRA makes provisions for state governments to activate relief and recovery assistance immediately following a disaster without seeking approval from the Australian Government.
Under these arrangements, the state or territory government determines which areas receive NDRRA assistance and what assistance is available to individuals and communities, making available whatever assistance deemed necessary regardless of whether it is eligible for cost sharing under the NDRRA. This recognises that states are best placed to identify the type and level of assistance to make available following a disaster, in accordance with their responsibility for disaster management.
Where the NDRRA is activated, the Australian Government may fund up to 75 per cent of the assistance available to individuals and communities. This contribution is delivered through a number of NDRRA measures and may include:
personal hardship and distress assistance counter disaster operations concessional loans or interest subsidies for small businesses and primary producers
In addition, clean-up and recovery grants may be made available to assist businesses, including farm businesses, to resume trading as soon as possible. The grants may be used for clean-up activities, replacement of damaged equipment and stock, and other general repairs.
NDRRA assistance is delivered through state and territory agencies (ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA).
- transport freight subsidies for primary producers
- loans and grants to voluntary non-profit organisations
- the restoration or replacement of essential public assets
- community recovery funds.