Key partners

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Key partners

Our key national partners help reduce disaster risk. They create and share the best ways to handle disasters. This helps decision-makers make smarter, lasting choices.

Australian Climate Service (ACS)

The ACS started on July 1, 2021. They develop detailed information about climate and disaster risk. This helps the government deal with climate problems.

The ACS gets expert knowledge from:

Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR)

The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) helps communities, governments and industries prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters.

This is achieved through sharing the latest information, tools and resources.

We have a contract with AIDR to deliver important services including:

  • Guidance material and resources. These help individuals and organisations learn how to prepare for and manage disasters.
  • Hosting forums, workshops and other events that bring people together to share expereinces.
  • Knowledge management, to provide easy access to important information.

By working together with AIDR, we build a stronger and more resilient Australia. One that's better prepared for the challenges ahead. 

Natural Hazards Research Australia (NHRA)

The government is giving $85 million over ten years to NHRA.

NHRA works on:

  • long-term research
  • helping communities get ready for disasters
  • technology to lower risk.

NHRA works with:

  • emergency services
  • researchers
  • industry
  • communities.

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources manages the NHRA grant. We have joint responsibility for it.

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

CSIRO gives practical science information and advice. This knowledge helps us handle disasters better.

CSIRO is working on bushfire hazard mapping products. These work across homes and critical infrastructure.

Last updated