Transcript: NEMA continues a 50 year legacy video

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Transcript: NEMA continues a 50 year legacy video


Soft dramatic music plays.

“50 Years of National Emergency Management” appears on screen. A timeline showing decade milestones scrolls at the bottom of the screen. 

The scene changes and features a historic image of a woman wading through waist deep flood water. Text on the scene reads “Brisbane Floods. Catalyst for the establishment of the first National Emergency Management Organisation. 1974.”

The scene changes and features a historic image of damaged suburban homes and a landscape. Text on the scene reads “Cyclone Tracy. 71* Fatalities. 650 Injured. 5000 Homes Destroyed. $200M Insurance Costs. 1974”.

The scene changes and features the wreckage of a home with chimney still standing and burned trees in the background. Text on the scene reads “Ash Wednesday Fires. 1983.”

The scene changes and features a destroyed commercial building. Text on the scene reads “Newcastle Earthquake. 13 Fatalities. 160 Injured. $862M Insurance Costs. 1989.”

The scene changes and features two historic images, one of a landslide damaging houses and the other of two workers having a conversation in front of a vehicle. Text on the scene reads “Thredbo Landslide. 1997.”

The scene changes and features a historic image of a burned out conservatorium. Text on the scene reads “Canberra Bushfires. 4 Fatalities. 435 Injured. 488 Home Destroyed. $350M Insurance Costs. 2003.”

The scene changes and features a historic image of damage crops. Text on the scene reads “Cyclone Larry. 30 Injured. $540M Insurance Costs. 2006.”

The scene changes and features two historic images. One is a man wearing a CFA uniform with a hand on another man’s back and the other burned trees. Text on the scene reads “Black Saturday Fires. 173 Fatalities. 404 Injured. 2029 Homes Destroyed. $1.07 Billion Insurance Costs. 2009.”

The scene changes and features a historic image of flood waters near a lawn bowls club. Text on the scene reads “Queensland & Brisbane Floods. 2010-2011.”

The scene changes and features two historic images, one of a car and fire engine with a large cloud of smoke on the road behind them. The second of three emergency services personnel planning on the bonnet of car. Text on the scene reads “Black Summer Fires. 31 Fatalities. 2748 Homes Destroyed. $1.9 Billion Insurance Costs. 2019-2020.”

The scene changes and features a historic image of people on a small boat moving through flood water. Text on the scene reads “East Coast Floods. 13 Fatalities. >4055 Homes Destroyed. 2022.”

The scene changes and features an image of a large aerial firefighting plane. Text on the scene reads “Creation of NEMA. Enhancing Australia’s national capabilities and resilience across the emergency management continuum. 2022.”

A quote from NEMA Coordinator-General appears on screen and reads “Our predecessor agencies helped set the foundations of national emergency management in Australia. It’s now time for us at NEMA to build on these and prepare for the future.”

The Australian Government crest accompanies text reading “Australian Government. National Emergency Management Agency.”

*Editor's note: The fatalities noted for Cyclone Tracy is an error. The correct number is 66.