Future Proof is a collective impact project. It's led by Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic). The project is in response to the 2019-20 bushfires.
The project aims to support young Australians. Particularly those aged 12-25, in bushfire-impacted areas of North and North-East Victoria. It helps to develop leadership skills and improve job prospects in emergency management. It does this by helping them improve disaster recovery and resilience skills.
The program is creating career pathways for Victorian young people. It helps them qualify for careers in emergency management and community services.
The initiative gained funding through the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery (BSBR) Grants Program. Key features of the project include:
- Local industry and education linkages for qualifications in emergency management and community services.
- Local Youth Advisory Groups created in each community to lead local projects
- Communities of Practice (CoP) convened three times per year
- Training for young people and youth workers.
To maximise the program experience, Future Proof brings together a range of partners:
- 10 Local Councils,
- Non-Government Organisations,
- Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCOs),
- Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLEN) and,
- Victoria University.
The partners helping rebuild their communities include:
- Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Services
- Alpine Shire Council
- Corryong Neighbourhood Centre
- East Gippsland Shire Council
- Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network
- Indigo Shire Council
- Junction Support Services
- Mansfield Shire Council
- Moogji Aboriginal Council
- Wangaratta Rural City Council
- Victoria University
- North East Local Learning and Employment Network
- Wellington Shire Council