Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding - Public Submissions now closed

Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding - Public Submissions now closed
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Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding - Public Submissions now closed

Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding - Public Submissions now closed

The Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding is now accepting public submissions and they want to hear from you.

Andrew Colvin AO APM, Independent Reviewer is interested in the views and insights from across all levels of government, industry, business, the not-for-profit sector and the community.

He wants to hear from people who:

  • administer Commonwealth natural disaster funding relating to risk reduction, preparedness, resilience, response and recovery; or
  • have sought Commonwealth funding (successfully or otherwise) to reduce the risk of natural disaster impacts or to aid response to, or recovery from, a natural disaster.

Specifically, the Independent Reviewer is seeking input on:

  • your experiences with Commonwealth disaster funding support;
  • your ideas about how Commonwealth funding could support communities to reduce their disaster risk;
  • your understanding of Commonwealth disaster funding processes; and
  • your understanding of the funding roles of the Commonwealth, states and territories and local government during a disaster.

To have your say: