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Reporting and publications

On this page you will find a list of reporting and publications relating to both the current, and historical operations of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

If you have any questions about these documents, please use our contact us form.

After Action Reviews
Annual Report

Below you will find the most up-to-date version of the Agency's Annual Report, as well as previous versions of the document.

The report outlines the operations and performance of the Agency during the financial year it was created for.

For archived Publications and Reports please visit the Archived Publications page.

APS Employee Census 2023

Below you will find NEMA’s APS Employee Census results for 2023 and accompanying Action Plan. Our APS Employee Action Plan supports us to improve our culture and workplace experience. 

Australian Government Crisis Management Framework

The Australian Government Crisis Management Framework (AGCMF) outlines the Australian Government’s approach to preparing for, responding to and recovering from crises.

The AGCMF provides ministers and senior officials with guidance on their respective roles and responsibilities. It also sets out the arrangements that link ministerial responsibility to the work of key officials, committees and facilities.

The overarching objectives of crisis management are to: protect human life and critical infrastructure; support the continuity of every day activity; and, as far as possible, protect property and the natural environment.

You can read the most up-to-date version of the AGCMF below.

Child Safety Statement

The National Emergency Management Agency has a strong commitment to child safety and is committed to protecting and safeguarding children from abuse, neglect and exploitation. Read our Child Safety Statement 2023.

Corporate Plan

The 2023-24 Corporate Plan for the National Emergency Management Agency details how we will deliver the Australian Government’s coordinated approach to emergency management by supporting preparedness, response, recovery and risk reduction, for all hazards of national significance.

For archived Publications and Reports please visit the Archived Publications page.

Data Strategy

The 2023-25 Data Strategy for the National Emergency Management Agency details how we plan to build capability to deliver on the objective to build evidence, intelligence and insights to empower communities, leaders and stakeholders to make effective decisions.

Gift and Benefits Register

In accordance with the Australian Public Service Commission all National Emergency Management Agency Officials must not accept gifts or benefits which might reasonably be seen to compromise their integrity. 

All gifts and benefits accepted (and valued at over $100 excluding GST) must be publicly disclosed.

National Emergency Management Agency Gift policy states ‘gifts or benefits greater than $100 must be registered on the National Emergency Management Agency Gift and Benefits Register. 

The data collected through National Emergency Management Agency’s internal gift or benefits register is reported publicly, through this page, quarterly.

View the most up-to-date National Emergency Management Agency Register (PDF 69KB).

Indexed File Lists 

In 1994, the Senate agreed to a motion by Senator Brian Harradine requiring that all Australian Government Departments and Agencies produce an indexed list of their files every six months for tabling before parliament.

The production of the list is intended to make the operations of Government more transparent to the Australian public.

As part of the Government’s commitment to giving Australians greater access to relevant Government information quickly and easily, the original Senate Order was amended in 1998 and now requires Departments and Agencies to also list these files on their websites.

The lists are tabled twice a year, once in the Spring sittings and once in the Autumn sittings.

Spring sittings - files created in the preceding July to December Autumn sitting - files created in the preceding January to June


For archived Publications and Reports please visit the Archived Publications page.

In response to the Senate Order that the list be 'indexed', the files are arranged by file number.

File lists

If you have any difficulties in accessing the documents below, or need further help with alternative formats, please contact us.

National Emergency Management Agency - Files Created July - December 2023
National Emergency Management Agency - Abbreviations and Acronyms for Groups or Topics 2022
National Emergency Management Agency - Files Created July - December 2022 

In addition, the Agency's lists do not include files whose titles would disclose the deliberations of Cabinet. 

In accordance with the Senate Order, some information in file titles has been deleted, such as:

commercially confidential information identifiably personal information any security classified information which is disclosed in, or which could be established from, a file title.

Requirements of the Senate Order for the Production of Indexed Lists of Departmental and Agency File

Indexed list of files

In accordance with the Senate Order, the Agency's list of files does not include:

files transferred to the National Archives of Australia; files related to the internal administration of the Agency (staff or personnel, accounts, training, or general administrative matters); and case related files (for example personal representation or dealings with the personal affairs of departmental or agency clients).
Journey to Recovery

In January 2020, the Australian Government established the National Bushfire Recovery Agency to work with state and territory governments to help coordinate and support the vital work of communities and their corporate and non-government recovery partners.

Journey to Recovery was developed by the National Bushfire Recovery Agency on behalf of the Australian Government and at the request of the then Council of Australian Governments.

This historical document describes the collaborative approach being taken across Australia to recover from the devastating 2019–20 Black Summer bushfires.

Legal Services Expenditure

Paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017 requires that, by 30 October each year, entities make publicly available records of the legal services expenditure for the previous financial year.

Legal Services Expenditure 2021-22

The former National Recovery and Resilience Agency’s total legal services expenditure for the financial year 2021-22 was $671,755 (GST exclusive).

External expenditure on legal services was $362,850 (GST exclusive)

Internal expenditure on legal services was $308,905 (GST exclusive)

NEMA Technology Strategy 2024-26

The 2024-2026 Technology Strategy sets out the two-year technology vision for the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). This strategy serves as the guiding framework for all technology related decisions, investments, activities and outcomes.

NEMA Technology Strategy 2024-26 (PDF 823KB)

Portfolio Budget Statements

The National Emergency Management Agency Portfolio Budget Statements for 2022–23 were tabled as part of the Home Affairs Portfolio Budget Statements in Parliament on 25 October 2022.

The Portfolio Budget Statements provide an update of the entity resources and planned performance for the 2022-23 Budget year.

A copy of the Agency Portfolio Budget Statements is available for download below.

Procedures for Determining Suspected Breaches of the APS Code of Conduct

APS Values and Code of Conduct

The Australian Public Service (APS) Values are as follows:

  • Impartial: The APS is apolitical and provides the Government with advice that is frank, honest, timely and based on the best available evidence.
  • Committed to service: The APS is professional, objective, innovative and efficient, and works collaboratively to achieve the best results for the Australian community and the Government.
  • Accountable: The APS is open and accountable to the Australian community under the law and within the framework of Ministerial responsibility.
  • Respectful: The APS respects all people, including their rights and their heritage.
  • Ethical: The APS demonstrates leadership, is trustworthy, and acts with integrity in all that it does.

The APS Code of Conduct requires that an employee must:

  • Behave honestly and with integrity in connection with APS employment.
  • Act with care and diligence in connection with APS employment.
  • When acting in connection with APS employment, treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and without harassment.
  • When acting in connection with APS employment, comply with all applicable Australian laws.
  • Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in the employee's Agency who has authority to give the direction.
  • Maintain appropriate confidentiality about dealings that the employee has with any Minister or Minister's member of staff.
  • Take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest (real or apparent) and disclose details of any material personal interest of the employee in connection with the employee's APS employment.
  • Use Commonwealth resources in a proper manner and for a proper purpose.
  • Not provide false or misleading information in response to a request for information that is made for official purposes in connection with the employee's APS employment.
  • Not improperly use inside information or the employee's duties, status, power or authority.
  • To gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or an advantage for the employee or any other person.
  • To cause, or to seek to cause, detriment to the employee's Agency, the Commonwealth or any other person.
  • At all times behave in a way that upholds the APS Values and Employment Principles, and the integrity and good reputation of the employee's Agency and the APS.
  • While on duty overseas, always behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of Australia.
  • Comply with any other conduct requirement that is prescribed by the regulations (regulations available on the ComLaw website).

You can learn more about the APS Values and Code of Conduct on the Australian Public Service Commission website.

Agency Procedures for Determining Suspected Breaches of the APS Code of Conduct

The Agency Procedures for Determining Suspected Breaches of the APS Code of Conduct policy document provides guidance to employees and contractors in relation to the processes and requirements around breaches of the Code of Conduct. 

Procurement Complaints

The National Emergency Management Agency must comply with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) when procuring goods and services.

The Government introduced the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 (GPJR Act) to provide suppliers and/or potential suppliers with a mechanism for lodging a formal complaint if they believe:

  • a department or agency has or will breach relevant CPRs relating to a covered procurement, and
  • this will affect their interests.

A more detailed explanation of the GPJR Act is provided in the Department of Finance resource guide Handling Complaints under the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 (RMG 422).

Covered procurements

According to the GPJR Act a covered procurement is:

  • a procurement where both Division 1 and 2 of the CPRs apply
  • usually an Open or Limited Tender using the Conditions for Limited Tender outlined in part 10.3 of the CPRs
  • where the procurement value is at or above the following thresholds:
    • $80,000 (including GST) – for procurements other than construction services
    • $7.5 million (including GST) – for procurements of construction services
  • not otherwise exempt from compliance with Division 1 and/or Division 2 of the CPRs.

What we need from you

If you believe that National Emergency Management Agency has or will breach the CPRs in relation to a covered procurement and this will affect your interests, submit your complaint using the online form at the bottom of this section.

Please complete all the mandatory fields to allow us to address your complaint promptly. This includes:

  • providing your name, the business you represent and your contact details
  • identifying which National Emergency Management Agency procurement activity you are complaining about
  • clearly referencing the relevant paragraph(s) of the CPRs you believe have or will be breached
  • explaining how your interests will be affected by the alleged contravention(s).

How the agency will respond

The National Emergency Management Agency will:

  • acknowledge receipt of your complaint as soon as practicable
  • assess if your claim demonstrates that a breach has or will occur in accordance with section 18(1) of the GPJR Act
  • immediately suspend the procurement activity if your complaint is determined to be valid. The exception to this is if a Public Interest Certificate (PIC) is already in force. The Agency will advise you if this is the case.
  • investigate legitimate complaints and work with you to find a solution within seven working days. However, if the matter is complex, more time may be required to resolve the complaint. The Agency will keep you informed if an extension is required
  • seek your written confirmation that the complaint is resolved. You have five working days to respond to the Agency’s request.
  • provide a written report informing you of the outcome of the investigation.

Access the procurement complaint form.

Senate Order on Entity Contracts

The Senate Order on Entity Contracts is produced at the conclusion of two reporting periods each year, the Financial Year and Calendar Year.

The Senate Order on Entity Contracts is produced at the conclusion of two reporting periods each year, the Financial Year and Calendar Year.

2023-2024 Financial Year

Pursuant to the Senate Order on non-corporate Commonwealth entity contracts, the following sets out information on contracts entered into by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to the value of $100,000 or more (including GST) which:

  • have not been fully performed as at 30 June 2024, or
  • have been entered into during the 12 months prior to 30 June 2024.

Details of procurement contracts are published on AusTender.

Details of non-procurement contracts are published on GrantConnect.

Most of the contracts listed contain confidentiality provisions of a general nature that are designed to protect the confidential information of the parties that may be obtained or generated in carrying out the contract. The reasons for including such clauses include:

  • ordinary commercial prudence that requires protection of trade secrets, proprietary information and the like; and/or
  • protection of other Commonwealth material and personal information.

The accountable authority of the Agency has assured that the listed contracts do not contain any inappropriate confidentiality provisions.

Estimated cost of complying with the Senate Order is $1,000. This cost has been determined by calculating the time taken to collect, analyse and compile the information and applying salary costs and on-costs.

For archived Publications and Reports please visit the Archived Publications page

Statement of Strategic Intent

The Statement of Strategic Intent (4.6 MB) outlines the purpose, vision and objectives of the National Emergency Management Agency.  It covers the growing challenges shaping the emergency management ecosystem in Australia and the region, and the importance of strengthening efforts to prevent, prepare and build resilience within our communities.

Work Safety Statement of Commitment

The National Emergency Management Agency is committed to the mental and physical health and safety of our people, our visitors and others who work for us and with us with a focus on wellbeing. 

Read our Work Safety Statement of Commitment.