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Recovery Exercising Toolkit

The Australian Government's National Capability Package helps communities recover from disaster.

It includes:

  • pilot Regional Resilience Hubs
  • training programs
  • recovery programs
  • a Recovery Exercising Toolkit.

Recovery Exercising Toolkit

The toolkit is a national reference for designing recovery exercises.

We developed it with the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR).

It's available on the AIDR Knowledge Hub.

The toolkit complements AIDR's Managing Exercises and Community Recovery handbooks.

How it works

The toolkit contains modules with practical guidance and specialised resources.

These help exercise planners design:

  • recovery exercises
  • post-disaster training.

Module overview

Fundamentals of Community Recovery

An overview of:

  • challenges
  • effects on individuals
  • long-term impact.

Coordinating Support for People with Disability

The strengths and needs of people with disability in:

  • emergency management
  • recovery planning.

Working with Indigenous Communities in Recovery

Understanding the:

  • strengths of Indigenous people
  • effects of disaster on Indigenous communities.

Foundations of Economic Recovery

The impact of disaster on:

  • small businesses
  • primary producers
  • local economies.